R-4 Type



During the Cardassian occupation of their home planet from 2319 to 2369, Bajoran resistance forces were scattered across a whole sector. Their small bases initially did not allow to maintain large starships, let alone build new ones. The available small fighters of different types were at most sufficient to support ground attacks on Bajor, while the Cardassian fleet dominated space. Usually less than half of the fighter ships returned from their missions against Cardassian ships. It took decades for the Bajoran Resistance to consolidate their bases and finally acquire shipbuilding capabilities. In the 2350's, Bajoran engineers finally began to build larger and better armed vessels.

The R-4 raider, like the larger assault vessels, belongs to the second generation of new Bajoran starships. The design is based on Federation construction principles but restricted by the persistent shortage of materials. Components were purchased from various sources, which lead to many design variants. Still, all of them were equipped with powerful phaser (R-4a) or disruptor arrays (R-4b) as well as photon torpedoes. The R-4 type was one of the few Bajoran ship types that could efficiently protect supply convoys and also attack shielded Cardassian ships and outposts. The ships are also suited for atmospheric flight. Most of the R-4 raiders are still in service after the end of the Occupation.





Class specifications
Ship type: Raider
Length: 71m
Width: 66m
Height: 17m
Crew complement: 12
Max. speed: Warp 4.2
First encountered in 2359
Commissioned ships
Approx. 50 units built



Thanks to Paul van Garderen for his 3D model.


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