Re-Used Costumes

by Jörg Hillebrand and Bernd Schneider

UniformsCivilian ClothingCostumes in TNG: "Ménage à Troi"Costumes in TNG: "Qpid"Costumes in "Star Trek Generations"


Many costumes of Star Trek were later modified or used without changes for a different purpose or another civilization. Here are quite a few examples. Please take every statement made in the following with a grain of salt. There is no need to seek for explanations. We are not supposed to notice that galactic fashion is less diverse than it should be.



Bartender jacket

The two bartenders in TOS: "Court Martial" and in TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles" are wearing the same glossy pink jacket (as if it were a Federation bartender uniform).

Cadet uniform

Finnegan's glittering gray cadet uniform from TOS: "Shore Leave" also shows up on Deep Space K-7 in TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles". This isn't a big deal though, as we can easily make up reasons why there should be a cadet on that station. The uniform can also be seen on the pleasure planet Argelius in TOS: "Wolf in the Fold" where it is a bit out of place though.

Eminiaran bonnets

The security forces of Eminiar VII in TOS: "A Taste of Armageddon" are wearing three different types of hats. At least two of them were re-used. They can be seen on two of the inmates of the mental institution on Elba II in TOS: "Whom Gods Destroy". It is possible but unlikely that the two are actually Eminiarans.

Ferengi headgear

A part of the Ferengi headgear first seen in TNG: "The Last Outpost" was re-used for the ragtag uniform of the Gatherer Brull in TNG: "The Vengeance Factor".

Green jumpsuit

The long-extinct Promellians in TNG: "Booby Trap" have green jumpsuits that should reappear a few episodes later, now worn by the inhabitants of Bre'el IV in TNG: "Déjà Q", who are very much alive. Curiously, the recurring race of an extra named Pardshay in DS9, whose make-up is the same as that of the Promellians, wears this uniform too! Furthermore, we can see it on an alien in DS9: "The Way of the Warrior".

Police uniform

The following civilizations have the same blue police or security uniform: the Rutians, the Vulcans, the Mari and the New Sydney authorities. Besides the decoration or rank signs only their emblems are different, and even these are often not original. See Re-Used Props - Badges.

Andorian jumpsuit

The Andorian jumpsuit makes its first appearance in TNG: "The Offspring". Here, it is one of the holographic choices for Lal's final appearance. The costume looks overly green because the Andorian option was color corrected on the whole (but not the surrounding holodeck). The actual face make-up used was brown and too appears greenish here. The costume then appears one more time as an Andorian jumpsuit, in TNG: "Captain's Holiday".

The costume was modified for DS9: "The Forsaken", now serving as Kobheerian clothing. We can also see the it on Kobheerians in "The Siege", "Cardassians" and finally in VOY: "Caretaker". Then, in "Starship Down" in DS9's fourth season, an unnamed alien wears the jumpsuit. The same alien woman with the same jumpsuit finally appears in the interactive game Star Trek Klingon, which must have been produced at the same time.

Zalkonian uniform

The Zalkonian military uniform from TNG: "Transfigurations" later appeared in several DS9 episodes. It was worn by a number of Dopterians on the show, such as in DS9: "The Way of the Warrior".

Talarian uniform

The Seronians in TNG: "Man of the People" have essentially the same uniforms as the Talarians in "Suddenly Human".

Work coverall

The costumes worn by the miners in TNG: "The Perfect Mate" later show up in a couple of Deep Space 9 episodes. One costume is worn by a crew member of Kasidy Yates's ship, the Xhosa, in "Family Business" while another can be seen on a Bajoran archaeologist in "Rapture". The other archeologist can be seen with a similar costume previously worn by Tom Paris in the penal colony in VOY: "Caretaker".

Mokra Order uniform

The military uniforms of the Mokra Order in VOY: "Resistance" reappear as the Kradin uniforms in VOY: "Nemesis".

Enaran uniform

The Enaran uniform from VOY: "Remember" reappears as an Annari uniform in VOY: "Nightingale". Even the Annari badge is exactly the same.

Monk gowns

The gowns that Dala and Mobar wear in VOY: "Live Fast and Prosper" are the same as the monk habits of the Nechisti Order in VOY: "Sacred Ground".


Civilian Clothing

Pink tennis shirt

In "The Cage", there is a woman wearing a pink shirt and white miniskirt. Fashion has not changed until the time of TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before" where we can once again see a woman with exactly this shirt and presumably the same skirt too.

Slit gowns

Harry Mudd was obviously very fond of the dresses that two of his three "love slaves" were wearing in TOS: "Mudd's Women". Two of his many android creations in TOS: "I, Mudd" are clad in identical dresses, namely the Maisie and the Barbara series.

Fur dress

The fur mini dress that Lenore Karidian initially wears after having boarded the Enterprise travels back in time to the year 1968 where it becomes a coat. Actually, the woman with this coat can be seen twice in "Assignment: Earth": at 15:14 and again, now walking in the opposite direction, at 20:53. Most of the other passers-by appear twice as well.

Fur coat

The megalomaniac people in the 23rd century share their taste of grandiose fashion. At least Anton Karidian aka Kodos in TOS: "The Conscience of the King" and Fleet Captain Garth of Izar in TOS: "Whom Gods Destroy" are wearing identical coats.

Triangular vest

The Andorian Thelev, actually an Orion in disguise, wears a triangular green leather or velvet vest in TOS: "Journey to Babel". The same piece of clothing can be seen on a human inmate of the mental institution in TOS: "Whom Gods Destroy".

Pink/golden dress

The pink and golden dress that Dr. Wallace is wearing in TOS: "The Deadly Years" reappears in a recording of the Starnes Expedition in TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead".

Pink metallic jumpsuit

The pink metallic outfit worn by Yareena during the fight in TNG: "Code of Honor" is later seen on a mannequin in a shop on the promenade in DS9: "Sanctuary". It also appears in TNG: "Ménage à Troi".

Checkered suit

The costume worn by Steven Miller in TNG: "Haven" is later seen in DS9: "Past Prologue" in Garak's tailor shop on Deep Space 9.

Light blue jumpsuit

Jenice Manheim's dress in TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris" appeared as gray in the original episode but is actually light blue. It is seen again in a clothes shop on DS9's promenade in "Sanctuary", along with the one from "Code of Honor".

Brown dress

At the O'Briens' wedding in TNG: "Data's Day", Diana Giddings wears Salia's costume from TNG: "The Dauphin".

Gray suit with large lapels

Devinoni Ral's suit from TNG: "The Price" also reappears in TNG: "Data's Day", worn by another wedding guest.

Silver dress

Yet another dress that can be seen in DS9: "Sanctuary" previously appeared in TNG: "Déjà Q". In the TNG episode it was worn by one of Q's two scantily clad women. It is the dress that Haneek points at in the DS9 episode, but Kira fails to understand that Haneek finds it particularly awful.

Wrinkled dress

Tayna's light gray dress from TNG: "A Matter of Perspective" reappears in TNG: "First Contact", here worn by a Malcorian cabinet minister.

Padded costume

Esoqq's costume from TNG: "Allegiance" is later worn by DS9's regular barfly Morn.

Colorful shirt

The casual outfit Sovak wears in TNG: "Captain's Holiday" appears a few years later in Nog's possession in the DS9 episode "Little Green Men", ironically held by his father Rom, who was played by Max Grodénchik who also portrayed Sovak. The shirt is also for sale in Garak's tailor shop in "Past Prologue".

Pale green lab coat

In TNG: "Lessons", some of the colonists or scientists on Bersallis III wear outfits previously on the medical personnel at the Sikla Medical Facility on Malcor III in "First Contact".

Blue/brown dress

This dress appears at least twice. It is worn by one of the two women accompanying the fat Ferengi in TNG: "Unification II" and by the aged Deanna in TNG: "Man of the People".

Gray dress

Kamala's dress from TNG: "The Perfect Mate" later shows up in Garak's tailor's shop in DS9: "Past Prologue".

Blue girl's dress

Mezoti wears the same dress in VOY: "Collective" as Isabella in TNG: "Imaginary Friend".

Wadi costume

In TNG: "Dark Page" we can see a silver Wadi dress from DS9: "Move Along Home" in Lwaxana Troi's case.

Strappy red dress

Leosa wears the same red dress in VOY: "Inside Man" as Fenna in DS9: "Second Sight".

Orange costume

A ribbed orange costume is normally worn a by a background alien on DS9, who can be seen bidding in Vash's auction and who also appears in "Sanctuary". This costume reappears on a woman on the Mokra Order planet in VOY: "Resistance".

Flower dress

The very same green/yellow dress with a rose pattern can be seen on several occasions, each time worn by a woman of a different race and for some time in Garak's tailor shop too. This cloth pattern must be the most popular of the galaxy. The oddest appearance of the dress, however, is in VOY: "Prophecy" when Neelix and the Klingon woman Ch'regha leave it on a sofa in Tuvok's quarters after performing a Klingon mating ritual with its usual devastating consequences. We can see both of them step out in their normal clothes (although Neelix is obviously in disorder). So who brought the dress there and who put it on?

Red dress

Danara Pel's red dress from VOY: "Lifesigns" can be seen again at the end of "Year of Hell II", here worn by Annorax's wife.


Costumes in TNG: "Ménage à Troi"

Suit with silver jacket

Sobi's costume from TNG: "Symbiosis" reappears in TNG: "Ménage à Troi", here worn by a delegate in Ten Forward.

Gray suit

Debin's costume from "The Outrageous Okona" can be seen on another delegate in TNG: "Ménage à Troi". It will also appear in "Data's Day" and in "Star Trek Generations".

Light red dress

One delegate in "Ménage à Troi" apparently wears the dress of Kareen Brianon from the beginning of TNG: "The Schizoid Man".

Light/dark purple dress

Anne Jameson's dress from TNG: "Too Short a Season" too appears again in "Ménage à Troi". Here, it is worn by a Bolian woman.

Pink metallic jumpsuit

The pink metallic outfit worn by Yareena during the fight in TNG: "Code of Honor" is later seen on an extra in TNG: "Ménage à Troi". It also appears in a shop on the promenade in DS9: "Sanctuary".

Brown suit

One delegate in TNG: "Ménage à Troi" wears Kushell's costume from "The Outrageous Okona".

Dark gray suit

The delegate playing chess in the background in TNG: "Ménage à Troi" wears Victor Granger's costume from "Up the Long Ladder".


Costumes in TNG: "Qpid"

Dark blue vest

Ki Mendrossen's costume from TNG: "Sarek" is later worn by a Vulcan archaeologist in "Qpid".

Angosian suit

The archeologist on the very left in the first row in TNG: "Qpid" wears the same checkered suit as an Angosian government official in TNG: "The Hunted".

Blue/brown suit

The second delegate from the left in TNG: "Qpid" wears Reittan Grax's costume from "Ménage à Troi" (and Sovereign Marouk's sash from "The Vengeance Factor").

Dark green gown

Another human delegate in TNG: "Qpid" wears a dark green robe most likely seen on one of the settlers on Tau Cygna V in "The Ensigns of Command". Underneath, he wears the shirt of the Minosian peddler in "The Arsenal of Freedom".

Light green gown

Palor Toff's costume (sans brooch) from TNG: "The Most Toys" is worn by the unnamed human archaeologist on the right in "Qpid".

Tanugan suits

The human and Bolian council member in the second row in TNG: "Qpid" wear Krag and Nel Apgar's costumes respectively from "A Matter of Perspective".

Gamelan V costume

The human female in TNG: "Qpid" can be seen with Chairman Songi's costume from "Final Mission".


Costumes in "Star Trek Generations"

Purple dress

All six journalists on the bridge of the Enterprise-B in "Star Trek Generations" wear costumes that previously appeared in TNG episodes. The reporter who asks Captain Kirk how it feels not to be the Captain of the USS Enterprise for the first time in 30 years wears a purple dress previously seen on Dr. Leah Brahms in TNG: "Galaxy's Child", lacking the metallic brooch.

Tyran suit

A male cameraman in "Star Trek Generations" wears a red/light gray suit that is a re-use of a costume of two unnamed Tyrans in TNG: "The Quality of Life".

Atlec suit

A male reporter in "Star Trek Generations", together with his cameraman, is sent to sickbay by Chekov to take care of the wounded El-Aurians. He re-uses a costume that the Atlec Debin wore in TNG: "The Outrageous Okona", several years earlier. It could also be seen on a delegate in "Ménage à Troi".

Malcorian suit

A cameraman in "Star Trek Generations" follows the second reporter around on the bridge. He later works in sickbay together with the reporter. The costume he wears previously belonged to the Malcorian Berel in TNG: "First Contact". It was later re-used in a Voyager episode and the decorative folded trimming (a feature of all Malcorian costumes) was removed.

Silver/gray dress

A female reporter in "Star Trek Generations" wears another costume previously seen on Dr. Leah Brahms in "Galaxy's Child". It's the outfit she is seen wearing when she comes aboard the USS Enterprise-D. For the re-use of the costume, the brooch was moved a little to the right and the gray undershirt was removed.

Gray sweater

A camerawoman always accompanies the third reporter in "Generations". Her costume previously belonged to Dr. Toby Russell in "Ethics". Dr. Russell wears the coat with a turtleneck sweater only in one scene in the episode, when she is tending to the survivors and casualties of the USS Denver with Dr. Crusher. The costume was modified slightly for its re-use in "Generations", as gold trimming was added. Interestingly, the camerawoman is seen wearing a brooch that was previously part of Leah Brahms's purple costume, worn by the first reporter in the scenes set on the bridge of the USS Enterprise-B (see above). As already mentioned, that costume is missing the brooch in "Generations".


See Also

Re-Used Props - Badges & Jewelry - official badges and emblems, brooches and other jewelry

The Thieves of the Delta Quadrant - re-used props and sets on the Mari homeworld (VOY: "Random Thoughts")



Some screen caps from TrekCore and TrekCaps. Thanks to Kevin Grunwald who spotted the re-use of the blue/brown dress, to Twitter user @FictionForReal for finding the reuse of Lenore Karidian's dress, to Michael Minnick for finding some more re-used costumes, to Mollymac for the hint about the strappy dress and to Elizabeth Rose Morriss for pointing out the re-use of Isabella's dress to us.


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