For the sake of consistency, the Alien ships of Discovery & Strange New Worlds are listed separately from those of classic Trek, just like the Starfleet ships and the Klingon ships of the series.
Arbiters of Life & Shepherds
General description
M'hanit, known to the Federation as C/2260-Quentin, is a comet with massive artificial modifications. According to the Shepherds, the comet is an "Arbiter of Life" and follows a preordained course. M'hanit is protected by shields.
Known comets
M'hanit aka C/2260-Quentin
The comet appears in SNW: "Children of the Comet".
Class specifications
None available
Shepherd ship
General description
The Shepherds operate this massive type of ship in the mid-23rd century, to protect ancient comets such as M'hanit that they venerate as Arbiters of Life. The ship has a tube-shaped central hull with several ring-shaped extensions. It possess superior firepower compared to a Starfleet Constitution-class ship.
Several Ba'ul fighters appear in DIS: "Such Sweet Sorrow II", one of which is piloted by Siranna, Saru's sister.
Class specifications
Length: 9.6m
Sentry ship
General description
The isolationist Ba'ul operate a fleet of sentry ships on the planet Kaminar. These ships are very large and trapezoid-shaped, with a single big engine exhaust and extendable sensors or weapons. In attack (or defense) mode, the ships assume an upright attitude.
Known ships
No name given
We can see ten of the sentry ships in DIS: "The Sound of Thunder".
The size of the Ba'ul sentry ships is not consistent. When the Discovery gets surrounded by them, they are many times bigger than the Federation ship. When they withdraw a few minutes later, they are about the same order of size.
The Gorn destroyer is extremely irregularly shaped and considerably larger than a Federation Constitution class. It is heavily armed with plasma weapons.
Known ships
No name given
The USS Enterprise is attacked by a Gorn destroyer and three Gorn hunters near Finibus III in SNW: "Memento Mori". A Gorn destroyer also appears towards the end of "Hegemony".
The ship is identified in SNW: "Memento Mori" on a display in Spock's shuttle, which is a bit odd because it was so far unknown to the Federation. Also, "destroyer" would point towards a smaller vessel.
It does not become evident in "Memento Mori" what the hologram detected by the Enterprise is about, other than that it is typical of the Gorn according to La'an. It may be used to cloak the large Gorn vessel.
Class specifications
None available
General description
The Gorn hunter is a roughly triangular shuttle-sized vessel. It is armed with plasma weapons and communicates with other Gorn ships through light pulses.
Known ships
No name given
Before the much larger Gorn destroyer shows up, three small hunters attack the Enterprise in SNW: "Memento Mori". This also happens in "Hegemony".
Gorn intership communication with light pulses that humans can discern is not only ultra-slow, it also uses a simple Morse-like code that La'an's brother could decipher on a piece of paper. The flashback actually reveals that the Gorn speak English!
Class specifications
None available
Air transport
General description
The Majalans operate many of these small vessels to travel between the floating city levels on their planet.
Known shuttles
No name given
Several of these somewhat streamlined shuttles can be seen on and near the surface in SNW: "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach". It is possible that they are not spaceworthy, as opposed to Alora's shuttle.
Class specifications
None available
General description
This type of cruiser is operated by the Majalan colony on Prospect VII. It possesses phasers and deflector shields but poses no threat to a Constitution-class ship. It is also equipped with a grappler.
Known ships
No name given
Two ships of this type appear in SNW: "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach".
Class specifications
None available
General description
This is a Majalan shuttle for interplanetary flight.
Known shuttles
No name given
The Enterprise saves this shuttle from the attack by the cruiser in SNW: "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach".
Class specifications
None available
D'Var type
General description
This is an Orion pirate or science ship of the 23rd century.
Known ships
The D'Var appears in SNW: "Those Old Scientists". The captain loves the idea of being remembered as a scientist, and so he hands over the Krulmuth-B time portal in exchange for the Orions having officially discovered it.
The ship with its "spinning wheel" is based on the Orion intruder vessel in TOS-R: "Journey to Babel" and was designed by William Cheng.
Class specifications
None available
Angel's shuttle
General description
This is a small warp-capable shuttle operated by the pirate known as Angel.
Known shuttles
No name given
In SNW: "The Serene Squall", Angel uses the shuttle to sneak pirates aboard the Enterprise in an asteroid field and to escape after her plan has failed.
Class specifications
None available
Serene Squall type
General description
This ship type operated by the pirates resembles a colony ship.
Known ships
Serene Squall
In SNW: "The Serene Squall", the eponymous ship serves as a bait for the Enterprise, as it is seemingly a colony ship that was taken over by pirates.
Class specifications
None available
Solar sailship
General description
The R'ongovians still maintain their old solar sailships for ceremonial purposes.
Known ships
No name given
The solar sailship appears in SNW: "Spock Amok". Upon leaving Starbase 1, the R'ongovians show their approval of the proposed treaty by flying the flag of the Federation.
Class specifications
None available
Alternate Bird-of-Prey
General description
This type of a Romulan Bird-of-Prey showed up in records of the 2020's as being present in Earth's orbit.
Known ships
No name given
Sera, a Romulan temporal agent in the disguise of a conspiracy theorist, shows a photo of the ship on a tablet in SNW: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow".
This ship looks very much like the "old" design of the BoP from TOS: "Balance of Terror", not like the upgraded version from PIC: "Absolute Candor" that was also used (see entry below) to replace the TOS design in the reimagined SNW universe. A bird depiction is faintly visible. So if visuals are relevant at least within one and the same series, the ship from "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow" must be a different and arguably still older type.
The question of the existence of this particular Bird-of-Prey, or of any Romulan starship that could be used to infiltrate Earth, as soon as in the 2020's is tricky. Sera apparently shows the photo on purpose. She may or may not know that Kirk is from a timeline that is familiar with the Romulans and their starships. The photo may or may not depict an actual Romulan design of the 21st century, rather than of the 23rd century.
The Bird-of-Prey is sighted in 2266 when a starship of this type crosses the Neutral Zone and attacks the Earth Outposts. The ship is equipped with warp drive and armed with a powerful plasma energy weapon, and it has the ability to cloak. While cloaked, the Bird-of-Prey is not capable of firing but still warp-capable.
Known ships
No name given
The Romulan Bird-of-Prey appears in Captain Pike's time travel/premonition of the Neutral Zone incident in SNW: "A Quality of Mercy", where this ship attacks the Earth Outposts as in TOS: "Balance of Terror".
There are several ships of this type in the Romulan fleet in SNW: "A Quality of Mercy".
The SNW episode uses the same redesigned CG model of the classic Romulan ship as previously seen in PIC: "Absolute Candor". In the PIC episode, we could attribute the different look to the ship having been upgraded. In SNW, the interpretation naturally is that the ship always looked so.
The Praetor's flagship appears to be a one-off design in the Romulan fleet as of 2266. It consists of a slender central hull with rounded V-shaped wings and can fire plasma torpedoes.
Known ships
No name given
The flagship can be seen in the center of the Romulan fleet in SNW: "A Quality of Mercy".
Burnham's away team boards the derelict, 800-year old vessel to search for an ancient artifact in DIS: "Red Directive".
Although the proportions are still the same as those on the science ship from TNG: "The Next Phase", more than only tiny details were changed about the design. It is a matter of interpretation whether this is a variant of the science ship in an in-universe view or whether it should be rated as a "visual improvement".
Class specifications
Science ship Length: 95m
General description
Many of these warships appear in the Romulan fleet as of 2266. They consist of a central hull with a "beak" and angular wings with nacelles.
Known ships
No name given
Many of these ship can be seen in the Romulan fleet in SNW: "A Quality of Mercy".
Class specifications
None available
General description
The Sphere was a vast amalgamation of organic and anorganic matter and was rated as a sentient lifeform. It was over 100,000 years old and has been recording data about countless star systems and civilizations during that time. As its end was near, the Sphere transferred its data to the USS Discovery from where it could not be deleted due to an advanced protection algorithm. The origin of the Sphere remains a mystery, and its existence is denied by Starfleet.
Known spheres
No name given
The Sphere appeared in DIS: "An Obol for Charon" and entailed a story arc in the course of which "Control", the AI built by Section 31, would run out of control to acquire the data from the Sphere to become sentient. In every possible outcome Control would eventually get hold of that data and wipe out all life in the galaxy. When all attempts to delete the data from the ship's memory core or to destroy the ship itself fail, USS Discovery eventually departs to the far future, out of reach of Control, in "Such Sweet Sorrow II".
Class specifications
Diameter: 565km Mass: 6.39×10^20kg
General description
In the early 24th century, Baraam is a space station of unknown affiliation near Hupyria V, outside Federation space. It consists of a core and many curved sections.
Known stations
In "Section 31", Philippa Georgiou creates the impression that she owns Baraam, when she speaks of "my station". But she may actually just run the night club.
Class specifications
None available
Baraam visitor ships Countless vessels can be seen around Baraam in "Section 31". They may belong to visitors. Then again, the station and all ships go to warp simultaneously at the end of the movie. One ship type that appears multiple times can be identified as the smuggler ship from TNG: "Unification I". We also see Seven's ship from "Absolute Candor" and a Majalan shuttle from "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach".
Garbage scow
General description
This early 24th century garbage scow of uncertain origin is equipped with a powerful warp drive and with shields. An asymptote coil is an essential component of its drive system.
Known ships
No name given
After their ship has exploded, Alpha Team reactivates this abandoned garbage scow and uses it to attack San's Mirror Universe ship in "Section 31". It is unknown who built the garbage scow; the controls are alien and Quasi doesn't understand them. It is implausible that it would be capable of going to high warp to catch up with San and that it could withstand or dodge repeated attacks with photon torpedoes.
Class specifications
None available
"Squid ship"
General description
Many unknown ships or probes of this type may cause the destruction of all sentient life in the Galaxy some time in the future. They fire torpedoes and missiles, each of which is capable of blowing up a whole planet.
Known ships
No name given
Spock saw these ships in the vision the "Red Angel" shared with him, as he revealed in DIS: "If Memory Serves". We have no definite information when these ships will be built and by whom, but it appears to be that Control, the evolved AI, is responsible.