The Animated Series (TAS)


Best of TAS Worst of TAS

5. One of Our Planets is Missing: 6

4. The Counter-Clock Incident: 6

3. The Time Trap: 7

2. The Terratin Incident: 7

1. Yesteryear: 9

5. The Eye of the Beholder: 2

4. The Magicks of Megas-Tu: 2

3. The Infinite Vulcan: 1

2. The Survivor: 1

1. The Slaver Weapon: 0


TAS Statistics

My average rating: 3.64

My rating standard deviation: 2.28


Graphical Statistics



As postulated by Gene Roddenberry, The Animated Series did not belong to Star Trek's canon and was therefore missing in official reference works. In accordance to this previous decision, I did not take into account events from TAS on this website. On the other hand, as opposed to the bulk of non-canon novels or fan work, the series was produced by Roddenberry himself (supported by many of the TOS staff and most of the original cast's voices), with the clear intention to act as a follow-up to TOS. As such, TAS may at least bear some useful background information, and was included here for the sake of completeness, even before it was arbitrarily declared canon.

The Problems of Canonizing TAS - dealing with possible continuity and compatibility issues


See Also

TAS Starfleet & Federation Ship Classes

TAS Alien Ship Classes



All screen caps from TrekCore.


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