Abramsverse Federation Ship Classes

StarshipsShuttlesSpace StationsSatellites and ProbesGround VehiclesUnknown ClassUnknown Station


The Abrams movies take place in a new timeline (the Kelvin Timeline) for the most part, which is meant to be canon within Star Trek's overall continuity. Yet, the redefinition of events and characters and the radical redesign of the sets, props and ships disconnect the new timeline from the existing Star Trek continuity. This is why the "Star Trek (2009)", "Star Trek Into Darkness" and "Star Trek Beyond" starships are in "confinement" at EAS. Perhaps the USS Franklin and the USS Kelvin should find their way into the "regular" section of this database, because these ships predate the timeline tampering. However, while the size, design and technology of the Franklin are reasonable, this can't be said about the Kelvin. So this page shows all "Abramsverse" ships that appear in the three movies, rather than the "Kelvin Timeline" ships in a narrow sense.



Armstrong type

Excelsior variant

General description

This type of starship has three nacelles of two different sizes beneath the saucer. A "rollbar" with a pod is located above the saucer. The aft section of the saucer is cut out. Timeframe: 2258.

Known ships

USS Armstrong NCC-1769
USS Excelsior NCC-1729


  1. One of these vessels (previously referred to as "unnamed class I" at EAS) can be seen docked to the space station in "Star Trek (2009)". This ship later departs from the station and is visible on the upper starboard side ahead of the Enterprise before going to warp.
  2. The nacelles appear to be of the same type as those of the Kelvin, with what looks like impulse engines at their aft ends. They are most likely meant to be smaller though. The central nacelle is longer than the port and starboard ones. The pod is reminiscent of that on the Miranda (in its original form as USS Reliant) and may hold the torpedo launchers.
  3. On an early comparison chart that can be found in Star Trek: The Art of the Film and in the special features of the Blu-ray the Armstrong type is represented by a "USS Armstrong NCC-1769" (1969 being the year of the first manned moon landing). It is not entirely certain whether this very ship is actually in the movie, but the visible portion of the registry could be "1769" in the closest view that we are shown, so it is a good guess that it is indeed the Armstrong.
  4. The chart in Star Trek: The Art of the Film also depicts a reddish brown ship "USS Excelsior NCC-1729" with the same silhouette as the Armstrong type. Since the purpose of the chart is to allow a comparison of different types, this additional depiction was most likely meant to be just a placeholder for a design that was not yet decided on and that never made it into "Star Trek (2009)". Hence the re-use of the Armstrong silhouette and the very unlikely color. However, in "Star Trek Into Darkness" there is indeed a reddish ship of the Armstrong type. It can be seen at the stardock behind the Enterprise. Although we can't read the name and registry, this is very likely the Excelsior NCC-1729, considering that whoever included the model must have been aware of the chart. We can only speculate whether someone in the CG department saw the chart and mistook the placeholder for a ship that was seriously meant to appear or whether it was supposed to be some kind of in-joke.
  5. If the relative scales of the comparison chart are still correct for the final ships, then the Armstrong type measures 254m (366m Enterprise), after a slight correction of the nacelle proportions, which are too clumsy on the chart.

Class specifications

Length: approx. 254m



General description

This is an extremely heavily armed class of a pure warship, which was secretly built by Section 31 with the support of Khan Noonien Singh. The ship dwarfs any Starfleet ship of any era, but can be operated with a very small crew. Its weapons can be fired at warp. Timeframe: 2259.

Known ships

USS Vengeance (no registry)


  1. Khan calls the Vengeance a ship of the Dreadnought class, which would only make sense if the first ship of the class were named USS Dreadnought, rather than USS Vengeance. But he may actually mean "Dreadnought type", which could stand for a new type of heavily armed vessel, much like the HMS Dreadnought was one in real life.
  2. The Vengeance can be seen next to the Enterprise, and the visual comparison confirms Khan's statement that the new ship is twice as long. The max. speed of Warp 11.5 (old scale, of course) results from Khan's statement that the Dreadnought class is three times as fast as the Enterprise.
  3. The ship was designed, built and launched in just one year, by an organization that is known for covert operations and not for shipbuilding, in a secret installation that likely didn't previously exist, and in the Sol system with its heavy space traffic that would make keeping the secret extremely hard. Uhm, yes.
  4. Seeing that the people in charge have lost perspective of ship sizes, we may decide that it all doesn't matter any longer and put up with whatever they decide, or we settle on a more reasonable size for the Enterprise, so we are dealing with a Vengeance of "only" some 750m, and not one mile.

Class specifications

Length: approx. 750m
Max. speed: Warp 11.5


Enterprise type

"Beyond" variation

General description

This is the USS Enterprise of the Kelvin Timeline, an alternate reality version of the ship that Kirk commanded from 2264-2269, with a different look. This Enterprise already looked so when it was launched under Captain Pike in 2258. The ship is built to operate in space, as well as under water.
Article: The New Enterprise Design
Gallery: Abramsverse Federation Vessels

Known ships

USS Enterprise NCC-1701


  1. The new Enterprise was designed by Ryan Church and built into a CGI model at ILM.
  2. Compared to the pilot version (2254-2264) and the largely identical original Constitution class as it appeared in TOS (2264-2268) the changes to the re-imagined "Star Trek (2009)" vessel are substantial. Its proportions are roughly similar, retaining the basic saucer-neck-engineering-nacelle configuration. The secondary hull and the "organic" nacelles are totally new. There is a spinning "fan" in the Bussard collector, and the fins at the nacelle aft end have movable segments. The saucer is similar as the one of the TMP refit, and hence different than the somewhat smaller one of the TOS Enterprise. Some of its details such as the windows and the three stripes on the edge even seem to be identical to the TMP version. The bridge dome is a bit like in TMP and very different than on the TOS model.
  3. Since the new Enterprise is different because history has been altered, there is no need for another in-universe justification why it doesn't look like the TOS ship. There is no need to make the design fit in any fashion. Still, it is true that the re-imagination would be somewhat plausible as a predecessor of the Enterprise refit of 2271 mainly because of the saucer. It would have been a nice nod if Spock had arrived earlier and had given the plans of this ship to Starfleet. But up to the point when the Narada shows up above Vulcan no one in the Federation is even aware that history has been altered.
  4. The ship receives a refit at the end of "Star Trek Into Darkness", after it has suffered substantial damage. Most notably the previously two impulse engine exhausts are combined to one. Other portions of the ship may have been changed as well, but were not visible at the end of STID.
  5. The ship was even further modified for "Star Trek Beyond". The neck and the nacelle struts were made thinner, the latter now lean backwards instead of pointing straight up. The nacelles were scaled down to 90% their original size and slimmed down a bit. Nevertheless, the ship is 3% longer now, as the nacelles are moved further backward. More phaser emplacements are added as well. These changes appear to be plot-driven, to let the ship appear more vulnerable to the Swarm attack in "Star Trek Beyond". But they were also described as an attempt to be closer to the original Enterprise. There is no in-universe rationale.
  6. The playful interior of the bridge is in contrast to the purism of TOS. There is a real window instead of a viewscreen. The corridors have round cross-sections. The interior of the engineering section looks like what it actually is: a brewery. There are largely no recognizable decks in this section, and much of the volume is filled with a maze of water pipes. The warp core (first seen in STID) is a huge (yet realistic) piece of machinery. This is very different than on any Prime Universe Federation ship. It also begs the question whether the huge filming set would fit into the engineering hull at all. In a similar fashion, the shuttlebay may be too small for the many bulky (>10m long) new shuttles, which are stacked in some sort of shelves on two levels on either side of the shuttlebay. Here the shuttlebay looks like it is at least 40m across.
  7. Comparing the side views of three Enterprises, I took it for granted that the height of the saucer had to be the same as on the Enterprise refit with its remarkably similar saucer shape, which would make the ship overall 302m long. The design size was 366m according to Alex Jaeger of ILM, and this still makes sense, considering that in this case the shuttlebay door and the torpedo launcher would be the same size as on the TMP refit. Also, the hatches would be reasonably tall compared to just 1.8m on a 302m ship. The VFX team at ILM, however, purportedly scaled up the ship to as much as 725m (200%!), the main intention apparently being to be able to squeeze in all the big shuttles. (Embarrassingly, on the size comparison with the TOS Enterprise on the Blu-ray disc the relative scale is totally wrong. The new Enterprise would be just 490m long if we trusted the depiction, rather than the figures.) At 725m length the new Enterprise would be bigger than a Galaxy class! Yet, the basic proportions, the recognizable deck structure and many details are evidence of a smaller ship. For the sake of the plausibility of the movies I have decided to rank these facts higher than the details pointing to a larger size. More about the scaling issue.
  8. The Enterprise is built on the ground, in teenage Kirk's neighborhood in Riverside, Iowa. This is in contrast to everything we knew about ship construction so far. (The ship that Kirk sees in Iowa is indeed the Enterprise. The "1701" is visible as the shuttle passes by the warp engines.)
  9. An animation on the occasion of "Star Trek (2009)" on the official movie site at startrekmovie.com showed that the new Enterprise belongs to the Constitution class, just as in the original universe. In "Star Trek Into Darkness" there is a bridge display on the Vengeance identifying the Enterprise as "Constitution class", while the dedication plaque of the Enterprise says "Starship Class".

See also Starfleet Ship Classes A-K

Class specifications

Length: 366m (see here why)
Max. speed: Warp 8


Enterprise-A type

General description

The Enterprise NCC-1701-A replaces the destroyed Enterprise NCC-1701. The ship was built at Starbase Yorktown and is equipped with more advanced sensors than the previous Enterprise. Overall, the new Enterprise-A is a new ship design that has only the very basic features in common with its predecessor.

Known ships

USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A


  1. We can see how the ship is being built and launched at the end of "Star Trek Beyond".
  2. The Enterprise-A is a completely new ship design. Therefore it is not classified as "Enterprise type" (or even "Constitution class") here at EAS. Most notably the neck is no longer placed in the middle of the engineering hull. It also looks like the neck is blended into the engineering hull now without the previous flange. The nacelle pylons appear to be straighter and thicker. The nacelles are more conventional, without the curved "engine hoods". They are also farther apart than previously. Finally, the slope of the saucer edge is not as steep any more, and the saucer may be smaller in diameter (or thicker).

Class specifications

None available


Franklin type

General description

The USS Franklin NX-326 is the first human starship to achieve Warp 4. It was built in space and for space. Its armament is typical of the time and includes pulsed phase cannons and spatial torpedoes. The ship was in service of the United Federation Starfleet briefly after its foundation. It vanished in 2164.
Gallery: Abramsverse Federation Vessels

Known ships

USS Franklin NX-326


  1. The USS Franklin NX-326 was commanded by Captain Balthazar Edison, a former MACO. In 2164, the ship was on a mission in the Gagarin radiation belt when it vanished in a wormhole and ended up crashing on Altamid.
  2. The Franklin is said to be the first Warp 4 ship, but Enterprise NX-01 was built for Warp 5 around the same time as it seems. However, it is well possible that the Franklin is older, and was kept in service after 2161 because the young Federation urgently needed ships after the Romulan War. The Franklin may be a sui generis design, so it seems plausible that the ship got an NX registry (now standing for "experimental" and not for "NX class") although it was already outdated at the time.
  3. Designer Sean Hargreaves says the Franklin is 450ft long.
  4. Like the other Abramsverse Federation ships, the Franklin has a bridge window instead of an opaque viewscreen, although it predates the timeline change. Sean Hargreaves says this was done to be able to see the crew from the outside, but no such shot made it into the film.
  5. In the real world, the USS Franklin's name is an in-joke, rather than referring to Benjamin Franklin or to a US Navy ship of that name. The namesake is Justin Lin's father, Frank Lin. The Franklin's registry NX-326 commemorates Leonard Nimoy's birthday on March 26, 1931.
  6. The ship was named "Pioneer" in an early script and the nacelles were on the bottom. The class was tentatively named "Freedom", which would be in conflict with the 24th century Freedom class.

Class specifications

Length: 137m


Kelvin type

General description

The Kelvin is a single-nacelled Federation survey ship from a generation before the Enterprise and is destroyed in 2233.
Gallery: Abramsverse Federation Vessels

Known ships

USS Kelvin NCC-0514


  1. The Kelvin design predates the new timeline. Its original task is to investigate an anomaly, from where the Narada attacks and destroys the Kelvin.
  2. Locations seen on the ship include the bridge, corridors, sickbay and a very spacious engineering/shuttlebay section. Like the new Enterprise, the Kelvin has a bridge window instead of a viewscreen.
  3. The main deflector (with a shuttlebay at its aft end) is located above the bridge and a single nacelle below it. Discounting the Saladin/Hermes that could only be glimpsed on a monitor, the Kelvin would be the only Starfleet vessel besides the barely visible Freedom class from TNG: "Best of Both Worlds" with just one nacelle. It is odd that the warp nacelle has an extra exhaust (an impulse engine?) at its aft end, unlike on any other Federation design of the old continuity.
  4. It is odd how a survey ship (such as the Oberth class is one) can have a crew of 800, twice as many as the original Enterprise. It is possible that the crew complement was increased and the CGI of the ship was scaled up much like it was done with the Enterprise, although it doesn't make any sense in-universe before Nero's incursion. The possible real-world reason is the dramatic license that George Kirk's self-sacrifice saved 800 people and not just 100. Also, there are apparently no escape pods on the Kelvin, and we saw only a few shuttles of the size of the TOS shuttlecraft leave the scene, at most 20 (which is already a lot for any kind of starship). It is hard to believe that each of them could have been crammed with 40 people.
  5. Irrespective of the crew complement, owing to the poor scaling references of the movie the size of the Kelvin is hard to estimate. If the saucer edge is two decks thick, the ship would have to be about 350m long (assuming these decks are as thin as on the 305m TMP refit). Its nacelles would even dwarf the "ample nacelles" of the new Enterprise! With a one-deck saucer (and somewhat taller 4m decks such as on the 366m new Enterprise) the Kelvin would be around 250m long. The true size could be anywhere in between. Of course, it wouldn't be a problem for the Kelvin to be even 1500ft (457m), as stated on the Blu-ray, if we decided to put up with the 725m Enterprise. But then the ship scales in the Abramsverse would be genuinely flawed, even before Nero's incursion.
  6. A better size comparison is possible with the early size chart depicted in Star Trek: The Art of the Film, although it doesn't include the Kelvin. But we can match the ship perfectly with the components of the Newton type. The saucer, the nacelles and the pod are all the same size. Discounting some inaccuracies of the Newton's depicted nacelles, this gives us a length of 315m for both the Newton and the Kelvin, provided the Enterprise is 366m long and the relative scales of the chart still apply.
  7. The leading "0" is an oddity in a 4-digit registry. We know that later in the 23rd century, registries below NCC-1000 will have just three digits. The real-world explanation is that May 14th is the birthday of J.J. Abrams's grandfather for whom he named the ship.

Class specifications

Survey ship
Length: approx. 315m
Crew complement: 800


Kobayashi Maru type

General description

This ship type seems to be a combined tanker and passenger vessel with two nacelles and two tank pods. Timeframe: 2258.
Gallery: Abramsverse Federation Vessels

Known ships

Kobayashi Maru ECS-1022


  1. Unlike the Kobayashi Maru of the year 2284 of the Prime Universe, we can actually see the tanker on the screen in the test that Kirk takes in 2258 in the "Star Trek (2009)" timeline. As already mentioned in the Prime Universe entry, the Kobayashi Maru is most likely a ship with a made up name, albeit of an existing class.
  2. The design of the ship with its underslung tank pods follows the lines of Roger Sorensen's Kobayashi Maru, first published in 1983. John Eaves changed the saucer to a round shape and gave the ship TOS-like nacelles on his sketch. These were later modified to the usual Abramsverse-style nacelles.
  3. We don't have solid evidence that the Kobayashi Maru design is using the very same basic components as the other Abramsverse ships. But assuming that the nacelles and saucer are the same as on the Mayflower and Armstrong I arrive at a length of 284m for the ship.

Class specifications

Length: approx. 284m


Mayflower type

General description

This is a smaller type of starship, consisting of a saucer and two nacelles. Timeframe: 2258.

Known ships

USS Mayflower NCC-1621


  1. Three of these vessels (previously referred to as "unnamed class III" at EAS) are docked to the space station in "Star Trek (2009)"; we see one of them go to warp.
  2. The configuration is Miranda-like, with two Kelvin-style nacelles with integrated impulse engines underneath a round saucer. The ship type is somewhat smaller than the Enterprise.
  3. On an early comparison chart the Mayflower type is represented by the "USS Mayflower NCC-1621", here still with a rollbar that is not on the movie model. The Mayflower can be identified in the debris of the Starfleet vessels at Vulcan, where the Enterprise almost collides with a huge saucer, whose starboard half is missing. Actually, this saucer is considerably bigger than the Enterprise's, which has to be rated as a scaling error, considering that the Mayflower type was evidently designed smaller. Also, we can see the same saucer twice. First the Enterprise passes by above the saucer, and after a few cuts it shows up ahead of the ship again.
  4. The huge saucer is labeled "NCC-1621" as on the early chart, although the Mayflower's journey was in 1620. Perhaps whoever labeled the ship took into account that upon their arrival the settlers spent the winter aboard the ship?
  5. If the relative scales of the comparison chart are still correct for the final ships, then the Mayflower type measures 236m (366m Enterprise), after a slight correction of the nacelle proportions, which are too clumsy on the chart.

Class specifications

Length: approx. 236m


Newton type

General description

This type of starship has two nacelles above the saucer that are connected by a beam with a pod. The backward half of the saucer is cut off, with only two massive struts for the nacelles protruding to the aft. The two engineering hulls beneath the saucer mirror the arrangement of the nacelles. Timeframe: 2258.

Known ships

USS Newton NCC-1727
(Name unknown) NCC-0718


  1. Three of these vessels (previously referred to as "unnamed class II" at EAS) can be seen docked to the space station in "Star Trek (2009)". When leaving the station, one of them is visible on the lower port side and one on the upper starboard side ahead of the Enterprise before going to warp. Another ship of the type, the NCC-0718, is docked to the station in "Star Trek Into Darkness".
  2. The nacelles appear to be of the same as those of the Kelvin, with what looks like impulse engines at their aft ends. The two lower pods are unlike the nacelles in size and shape, and they look like engineering hulls. Overall, this design appears to be somewhat bigger than the Armstrong type, as indicated by the spacedock shot and by the size of the saucer relative to the supposedly identical nacelles.
  3. I previously assumed there was another type of vessel with essentially the same configuration but with only one underslung pod. But on two of the three docked vessels of the Newton type the second pod must be obstructed by a nacelle.
  4. On an early comparison chart the Newton type is represented by a "USS Newton NCC-1727" (1727 is Isaac Newton's year of death). It is not certain whether this very vessel was actually in the movie, also because we can already relate six other names to the seven ships. But since we can spot the Mayflower and the Armstrong that appear to be labeled just as on the comparison chart, it is very likely that the Newton's name and registry is authentic too.
  5. If the relative scales of the comparison chart are still correct for the final ships, then the Newton type measures 315m (366m Enterprise), taking into account a slight correction of the nacelle proportions.

Class specifications

Length: approx. 315m


Salcombe type

General description

This ship class has a comparably tall saucer superstructure, a cut-out for the navigational deflector and apparently no separate secondary hull. It is the same order of size as the Enterprise, probably slightly smaller.
Gallery: Abramsverse Federation Vessels

Known ships

USS Salcombe NCC-2107


  1. We can see the ship alongside the Enterprise-A in "Star Trek Beyond".
  2. The design looks much like 24th century Prime Universe, with similarities to the Akira class.
  3. The ship is named for CG artist Rhys Salcombe, who created the final sequence of "Star Trek Beyond".

Class specifications

None available


Unidentified Starfleet ships Not counting the Enterprise, seven Starfleet vessels with familiar saucer-nacelle arrangements or variants thereof leave for Vulcan in "Star Trek (2009)" in 2258. At the Spacedock in Earth's orbit, the separately described Armstrong type, Newton type and Mayflower type are recognizable, seven individual ships altogether that are assembled to a fleet. The smaller ships of class IV (below) remain at the Spacedock, as well as some still smaller designs that remain unidentifiable for now. We may assume that the explicitly mentioned Antares, Farragut, Hood, Truman and Walcott are in the fleet, but we can't relate the names to the designs, at least not with hard screen evidence.


Unnamed class IV

General description

This could be a small starship or a large shuttle. Timeframe: 2258.

Known ships

No name given


The vessel can be seen in the lower left in front of the big central sphere of the spacedock. It looks like a disk with two engine tubes on top. I assume that it is not one of the vessels of the rescue fleet for Vulcan. As Sulu forgot to release the "parking brake", the Enterprise was probably the last ship to leave, and the one visible class IV doesn't look like it is preparing to to to warp.

Class specifications

None available


Unnamed class V

General description

This is a starship of unknown size, probably with two nacelles. Timeframe: 2263.

Known ships

No name given


This ship can be seen at the beginning of "Star Trek Beyond", as the Enterprise flies through the tubes on Starbase Yorktown. It could be an Armstrong type, but what would be the center nacelle looks more like a deflector dish, and we can't make out the rollbar.

Class specifications

None available



Ambulance shuttle

General description

Ambulances of this type are in service on Earth in 2259.

Known shuttles

No name given


An ambulance shuttle can be seen in front of the Royal Children's Hospital in "Star Trek Into Darkness".

Class specifications

None available


Earth shuttle 1

General description

The streamlined shuttle is in use on Earth in the year 2259. It may be a Starfleet design.

Known shuttles

No name given


We can see the shuttle parked near a Starfleet facility in San Francisco Bay in "Star Trek Into Darkness".

Class specifications

None available


Earth shuttle 2

General description

The affiliation and purpose of this big shuttle is unknown. It appears in London and in San Francisco in 2259.

Known shuttles

No name given


The shuttle that appears in "Star Trek Into Darkness" (in London as well as in San Francisco) bears some striking similarities to Kazon ship designs. The tapered hull, the trunk and the aft fin are very familiar parts of the design.

Class specifications

None available


Earth shuttle 3

General description

This angular shuttle is in use on Earth in the year 2259. It may be a Starfleet design.

Known shuttles

No name given


We can see the shuttle at Starfleet Headquarters in "Star Trek Into Darkness".

Class specifications

None available


Earth shuttle 4

General description

This shuttle with small pods on the wing tips shuttle is in use on Earth in the year 2259.

Known shuttles

No name given


We can see the shuttle when Harewood is entering the Kelvin Memorial Archive in London.

Class specifications

None available


Enterprise lifeboat

General description

This lifeboat of the Enterprise is equipped to hold just one person. It does not seem to be maneuverable in any fashion and is probably just designed for a safe landing on the nearest inhabitable planet.

Known shuttles

No name given


Spock puts Kirk on such a lifeboat to get rid of him after the destruction of Vulcan. We can see how the lifeboat is launched from the round hatch in the ship's neck. Provided the Enterprise is not another Titanic and there are enough lifeboats for everyone, the rest should be hidden behind break-away plates and should be considerably bigger.

Class specifications

Length: approx. 2.5m



General description

The design of this small ship or shuttle with its delta-shaped wings resembles that of a 20th century fighter aircraft. 

Known shuttles

No name given


Four of these fighters can be seen above San Francisco in the rechristening ceremony of the Enterprise in "Star Trek Into Darkness", in what seems to be a missing man formation to honor the casualties of the terror attacks.

Class specifications

None available


Garbage barge

General description

These possibly automated vehicles are used for to transport waste in San Francisco in 2259.

Known shuttles



Khan and Spock jumped from one barge to another in "Star Trek Into Darkness".

Class specifications

None available


"Jellyfish" type

General description

This is a small experimental vessel operated by the Vulcan Science Academy in the late 24th century. It has rotating parts and a drop-shaped main body into which a sphere is embedded. The vessel is very fast and is armed with beam weapons.

Known shuttles

No name given


  1. Spock is the only crew member when he embarks this little ship to create a black hole to stop the supernova from expanding. After running into Nero, he involuntarily travels back to the 23rd century. As opposed to what may have been reported earlier, the ship itself is not originally built for time travel.
  2. My side view is based on the ship's depiction in the Countdown comic. In Countdown it is identified as a prototype ship designed to withstand atmospheres that would tear most ships apart. It is nicknamed "Jellyfish" there.

Class specifications

Length: approx. 36m
First commissioned: 2387
Crew complement: 1
Max. speed: Warp 8



General description

The jumpship is a single-seated vessel built for atmospheric flight. Its engines include an air intake and exhaust. It is equipped with phaser weapons on both wings.

Known shuttles



Khan attacks Starfleet's conference room in the Daystrom building with this small vessel. It is unknown whether it was originally equipped with the weaponry or whether Khan installed them. The designation "jumpship" comes from the novelization of "Star Trek Into Darkness".

Class specifications

Crew complement: 1


Kelvin pod

General description

The Enterprise NCC-1701 is equipped with this type of lifeboats as of 2263. Kelvin pods come with parachutes to land on planets. 

Known shuttles

No name given


The Kelvin pods appear in "Star Trek Beyond" and are used by Sulu, Kirk and Chekov to abandon the bridge of the Enterprise. It appears that the name refers to the USS Kelvin. The Kelvin didn't have bridge escape pods, and George Kirk had to stay aboard until the impact. However, since "Beyond" came out "Kelvin pod" has become much like a generic name for lifeboats of the Abramsverse. It is possible that there is nothing special about bridge escape pods, and that the whole ship is equipped with Kelvin pods in 2263, replacing the former type that Spock used to dispose of Kirk in "Star Trek (2009)". Yet, in this case the naming would make no sense.

Class specifications

Length: 3.5m


Medical shuttle 2233

General description

Nothing is known about this small 23rd century vessel yet.

Known shuttles

Kelvin Medical Shuttle 37


James T. Kirk is born on such a shuttle, when his mother Winona has to be evacuated from the Kelvin in 2233. The overall design of the medical shuttle is the same as of the Kelvin standard shuttle 2233. Besides being specially equipped, the medical shuttle has large red markings at its aft end. 

Class specifications

None available


Rescue shuttle

General description

This is a small police or ambulance shuttle with four wings, used in San Francisco in 2259. 

Known shuttles

No name given


Various small shuttles arrive at the scene after Harrison's attack on Starfleet Headquarters in "Star Trek Into Darkness".

Class specifications

None available



General description

This is a big vessel of unknown purpose. It is apparently equipped with antigrav technology. 

Known shuttles

No name given


Two of these vessels can be seen hovering above London in "Star Trek Into Darkness".

Class specifications

None available


Standard shuttle 1

General description

This widespread 23rd century shuttlecraft, in service at least from 2255 to 2258, is equipped with several seats. It has two engine pods on the top on either side, and one engine in the center of the rear wall.

Known shuttles

Bardeen 70172
Dimassa (01) 12091
(Name unknown) 78072
(Name unknown) NCC-1701/9


  1. These shuttles (called "Military Shuttles" on production sketches) are commonplace in the years 2255-2258. They belong to the complement of Starfleet Academy, of the Enterprise, of other starships and of the Delta Vega Outpost. There exist different interior layouts, with seats facing forward, facing inward, or with transporter pads.
  2. The shuttle's angular general shape is in the tradition of the good old Galileo. The pods may be only impulse engines or thrusters for atmospheric flight, but in case of Delta Vega this wouldn't help a lot to leave the planet.

Class specifications

Length: approx. 13m


Standard shuttle 2

General description

This is a second type of a 23rd century shuttlecraft, in service in the year 2258. It is equipped with two large engine nacelles, and two smaller impulse engines on either side on top of the craft.

Known shuttles

(Name unknown) NCC-1701/2


A second type of shuttles in the hangar scene has a more rounded windshield. This portion looks a lot like on the Type 6 from TNG.

Class specifications

None available


Standard shuttle 3

General description

Shuttles of this type belong to the Enterprise's complement in 2259. They are equipped with two engine nacelles on pylons on the bottom.

Known shuttles

Takayama NCC-1701/5
Warrant NCC-1701/4
(Name unknown) NCC-1701/1
(Name unknown) NCC-1701/7


    These shuttles look similar as the ones of the Kelvin from 2233, but are arguably bigger. This seems to be the only shuttle type aboard the Enterprise to appear on screen in "Star Trek Into Darkness".
  1. The name Copernicus of Scotty's shuttle comes from a deleted scene.

Class specifications

Length: approx. 12m


Standard shuttle 4

General description

Shuttles of this type belong to the Enterprise's complement and are used in other Starfleet installations in 2263. They are equipped with two engine nacelles on pylons on the bottom.

Known shuttles

No name given


    These shuttles appear in the habitable areas of Starbase Yorktown and in the shipyards in "Star Trek Beyond". One can also be seen in the Enterprise shuttlebay when it gets trashed during the disastrous attack. The CG model was created by Andrew Lee McConnell as a redesign of the type 3 seen in "Into Darkness".

Class specifications

Length: 13.9m


Standard shuttle 2233

General description

These are probably standard issue shuttles, part of the USS Kelvin's inventory in 2233.

Known shuttles

(Name unknown) NCC-0514/3
(Name unknown) NCC-0514/43


These shuttles appear beside the Kelvin and are being used as lifeboats. They are likely standard shuttles, owing to their comparably clumsy look (resembling the classic Class F shuttle of TOS) and to the fact that the Kelvin is a survey vessel.

Class specifications

None available


Unidentified Earth shuttles We can see many small vessels (shuttles and hovercars) on Earth in "Star Trek Into Darkness" at various points of the movie, in London as well as in San Francisco.

Unidentified Vulcan shuttles We can see several small vessels on the planet Vulcan in "Star Trek (2009)".

One of them appears to be the T'Plana Hath, although this may be more like an Easter egg.

Unidentified Yorktown shuttles We can see many small vessels inside Starbase Yorktown in "Star Trek Beyond".

Unidentified Yorktown shipyard shuttles We can see a large number of shuttles and workbees during the construction of the Enterprise-A in "Star Trek Beyond". One of these looks like the already identified standard shuttle 4, only with the nacelles on top.


Space Stations


General description

A huge space station is located in Earth's orbit in the year 2258. It consists of a spherical core and disk-shaped outriggers.

Known stations

No name given


  1. There is no reason why the station shown in the Abrams movies would have to be the very same as the Spacedock in the TOS movies. Still, we may have expected it to be a nod to that design. The new spacedock, however, bears a similarity to the Star Fleet Headquarters designed by Franz Joseph for his Star Fleet Technical Manual.
  2. In the novelization, this station is identified as Stardock 1 but it remains unnamed in the movie.

Class specifications

Diameter: approx. 4500m


Starbase Yorktown

General description

Yorktown is an enormous Federation starbase, located near the Necro Cloud nebula. In 2263, it is the Federation's newest and most advanced space station. It includes living space for millions of inhabitants, docking facilities for starships as well as shipyards.
Gallery: Abramsverse Federation Vessels

Known stations

No name given


  1. The station was designed by Sean Hargreaves for "Star Trek Beyond".
  2. The warped ground levels of the living spaces are characteristic of the design of Starbase Yorktown. It appears the whole interior of the sphere is filled with air.
  3. The radius of Yorktown is at least 17 times the length of the Enterprise. This gives us a diameter of 12.5km (366m Enterprise) or 25km (725m Enterprise).

Class specifications

Diameter: approx. 12.5km


Satellites and Probes

Magellan type

General description

Starfleet used Magellan probes to chart the Necro Cloud.

Known probes

No name given


In "Star Trek Beyond", Krall intercepted one probe and found out that the missing piece of the Abronath was located on the Enterprise.

Class specifications

None available


Yorktown satellite

General description

The huge Starbase Yorktown is orbited by this type of large satellites.

Known satellites

No name given


We can see this type of satellites in "Star Trek Beyond". In the close-up at the beginning of the movie, the satellite looks much like a small space station that has a docking port and is very likely inhabitable.

Class specifications

None available


Ground Vehicles

Bus London

General description

London appears to have a public transportation system of buses in 2259.

Known vehicles

No name given


Considering that London is famed for its buses, rather than for trams, the red vehicle visible when Harewood goes to bomb the archive is obviously supposed to be something like a 23rd century Routemaster.

Class specifications

None available



General description

The BX-70 is a type of motorcycle that seems to date back to the 22nd century.

Known vehicles

No name given


  1. In "Star Trek Beyond", Kirk finds a BX-70 motorbike aboard the Franklin. He is familiar with the type because his father used to have one.
  2. The real-life motorcycle used in the film was a BamX BX-70. It was modified and painted green to insinuate a military use by the MACO. Kirk may have said "PX-70" instead "BX-70" though.

Class specifications

None available


Cars in San Francisco Different types of wheeled cars can be seen on the streets of San Francisco in "Star Trek Into Darkness".


Electric motorcycle

General description

Young Kirk rides a spokeless motorbike, apparently with electric drive.

Known vehicles

No name given


With the exception of the missing spokes and the electric (almost noiseless) drive, the handling, style and purpose of this vehicle is still much the same as of present-day motorbikes. Kirk gives the keys to a shipyard worker when he joins the Academy.

Class specifications

Length: approx. 1.8m



General description

The forklifts in the Academy's shuttle hangar operate on the same principle as 20th/21st century vehicles of this kind. 

Known vehicles

No name given


We can see forklifts of the real-life type Sidewinder ATX-3000 in Starfleet facilities in "Star Trek (2009)" as well as in "Star Trek Into Darkness".

Class specifications

Length: 2.1m



General description

Cars with antigrav technology are in use on Earth in the year 2259.

Known vehicles

No name given


The Harewoods' hovercar appears in front of the Royal Children's Hospital in "Star Trek Into Darkness".

Class specifications

Length: approx. 4.5m


Passenger ship

General description

This appears to be a large passenger ship much like one from the 20th or 21st century, most likely a cruise ship, only without a funnel.

Known ships

No name given


We can see the cruise ship in San Francisco Bay in "Star Trek Into Darkness".

Class specifications

None available


Police hoverbike

General description

The hoverbike is a small vehicle used by the police in the State of Iowa on Earth, around the year 2240.

Known vehicles

No name given


We can see how a (robo?)cop on such a bike pursues the Corvette with young Kirk to an abyss.

Class specifications

Length: approx. 1.8m


Streamlined car

General description

This streamlined wheeled vehicle seems to be the 23rd century version of a 2-seated car. The timeframe is 2258.

Known vehicles

No name given


We can see this car at Starfleet Academy, in the scene when Kirk tells McCoy that he is taking the Kobayashi Maru test again. The car is a real-world compact fuel-efficient vehicle named Aptera.

Class specifications

Length: 4.4m


Train system San Francisco

General description

In 2259, San Francisco has a public transportation system that looks like present-day S-trains.

Known vehicles

No name given


We can see the "S-train" as the Vengeance approaches the city. It is unknown whether the train runs on rails. In any case, unlike in the case of the streetcars (see below) the track is not on the street level.

Class specifications

None available


Tram San Francisco

General description

San Francisco has a public transportation system of streetcars in 2259. They are possibly equipped with antigrav technology.

Known vehicles

No name given


A modern streetcar can be seen be seen in "Star Trek Into Darkness". It appears that a classic cable car (or rather a replica that apparently hovers above the street) operates on the same line, in opposite direction.

Class specifications

None available


Unknown Starfleet Class

Seven of the following starship names were recognizable or were mentioned as assignments of the Academy cadets in 2258. The ships were most likely all among the fleet that left for Vulcan (and was destroyed there). We only can't relate the following names to the above ship classes.

USS Antares, mentioned in the Academy hangar in "Star Trek (2009)"

This is the supposed true name of the ship, while in the movie itself it sounded a lot like "USS Centaurus".

USS Bradbury, new posting of Spock in "Star Trek Into Darkness", commanded by Captain Abbott

USS Endeavour, part of the fleet the cadets were assigned to in "Star Trek (2009)", according to the film's script

USS Farragut, mentioned in the Academy hangar in "Star Trek (2009)"

USS Hood, mentioned in the Academy hangar in "Star Trek (2009)"

USS Odyssey, mentioned in the Academy hangar in "Star Trek (2009)"

USS Truman, mentioned in the Academy hangar in "Star Trek (2009)"

USS Wolcott, mentioned in the Academy hangar in "Star Trek (2009)"

The name was previously believed to be Walcott, but is Wolcott according to the DVD subtitles.

(Name uncertain) NCC-2893, mentioned on Starbase Yorktown in "Star Trek Beyond"

In the Prime Universe, the USS Stargazer has the registry NCC-2893. Some people claim they also heard the name "Stargazer" in the movie. If this is true, the mention would be another stupid coincidence, rather than a nice homage.


Unknown Starfleet Station

Regula 1, space station mentioned in the Academy hangar in "Star Trek (2009)"

Well, this is an obvious homage to Regula 1 from "Star Trek II", but realistically not the same station.



The following ship can be seen only in a deleted scene and hence doesn't have to exist in-universe.

USS Biddeford NCC-0718, model of a Constitution class (Prime Universe) hanging from the ceiling in Admiral Marcus's office in a scene cut from "Star Trek Into Darkness"

This miniature is an oddity, considering that the starship design lineage of the Abramsverse is a completely different one and would have no place for the Constitution class as we know it. The registry is another oddity. Not only because of the leading "0" that we already know from the Kelvin, but because the very same name and registry can be seen on a ship of the Newton type in the same movie. In real life the bizarre Abramsverse registries are in-jokes, so the 0718 probably refers to July 18. Joseph Gatt, who played science officer 0718 in "Into Darkness" said it is "a very significant number" to J.J. Abrams. If I were to explain the Constitution class in the Abramsverse and the registry, I would say it is a study model of a starship never built that was labeled with the name and number of a real ship that has some significance for Marcus.


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