Star Trek Voyager (VOY)


Best of Voyager Worst of Voyager

10. Prototype: 8

9. Relativity: 9

8. Before and After: 9

7. Dark Frontier: 9

6. Blink of an Eye: 9

5. Dreadnought: 9

4. Living Witness: 9

3. Scorpion I/II: 9

2. Distant Origin: 10

1. Year of Hell I/II: 10

10. The Chute: 2

9. Sacred Ground: 2

8. Cathexis: 2

7. Parturition: 2

6. Fair Haven: 1

5. Threshold: 1

4. Elogium: 1

3. The Fight: 1

2. Spirit Folk: 0

1. 11:59: 0


Voyager Cliché Count Voyager Statistics
10. Chakotay scores with a woman: 6

9. Harry dies or almost dies: 7

8. Seven is in acute trouble because of her Borg implants: 9

7. Harry has bad luck with a woman: 10

6. Voyager takes more or less advantage of a "drive-of-the-week": 11

5. Seven has a decisive advantage because of her Borg implants: 11

4. Aliens temporarily seize control of the ship: 11

3. Janeway dismisses an opportunity to get home fast: 14

2. Other ships, things or people from the Alpha Quadrant show up: 17

1. Voyager is under attack by hostile aliens: 58

My average rating: 5.32

My rating standard deviation: 2.20

Crew losses: approx. 33

Shuttles lost: 15 + 1 Delta Flyer

Photon torpedoes used: 93 out of 40

Hostile aliens: 59

Neutral aliens: 48

Nice aliens: 18

Strange lifeforms and anomalies: 48

New technology: 42


Graphical Statistics


See Also

VOY Character Bios

Gallery: VOY Main Characters

Gallery: Intrepid Class

Gallery: Delta Flyer

Voyager's Crew Complement - casualties, crew count over time, crew appearances and names, other issues

Voyager Inconsistencies - including the famous Voyager shuttle count



Most screen caps from TrekCore.


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