Lower Decks Alien Ship Classes

ApergosianAreoreBajoranBorgBreenBrekkianBynarCardassianClicketCollector's GuildDrookmaniDulainianFerengiGalardonianGelrakianHysperianJem'HadarKaremmaKataanianKlingonLapeerianNew AxtonNova FleetOrionOrnaranPakledRomulanTholianUnknown Affiliation




General description

This shuttle type is commonly used on the heavily industrialized planet Apergos.

Known shuttles

No name given


We can see several of these shuttles above the planetary capital in LOW: "Strange Energies". They look like cargo shuttles.

Class specifications

None available



Large ship

General description

This ship with its superior firepower was built by the ancient Areore. It remained buried in a cave when the civilization adopted a simple lifestyle until its reactivation in 2381.

Known ships

No name given


In LOW: "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption", Rawda manages to reactivate the large ship and use it to defeat the Drookmani, who have stolen one of the small ships and are attacking the Cerritos.

Class specifications

None available


Small ship

General description

At least six of these ships with formidable armament were built by the ancient Areore. They remained buried in a cave when the civilization adopted a simple lifestyle until the reactivation in 2381.

Known ships

No name given


After the destruction of their own scavenger vessel in LOW: "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption", the Drookmani somehow manage to reactivate one of the small Areore ships and use it to attack the Cerritos, until they are defeated by Rawda in the large ship.

Class specifications

None available



Assault vessel

General description

The Bajoran assault vessel with its characteristics bird-like wings was the most heavily armed Bajoran vessel around 2370.
Gallery: Bajoran Starships

Known ships

No name given


We can spot at least four of these ships, among many other familiar designs, in Mariner's holographic scenario in LOW: "Strange Energies".

See also Bajoran Ship Classes

Class specifications

Length: 93m



General description

Solar sailing ships or lightships were operated by the Bajorans already many centuries ago. The solar wind is reflected from the large sails, thereby producing the propulsive effect.
Gallery: Bajoran Starships

Known ships

No name given


Such a ship is depicted in the bar in LOW: "An Embarrassment of Dooplers".

See also Bajoran Ship Classes

Class specifications

None available




General description

The Borg cube is a huge and enormously powerful vessel with highly distributed systems.

Known ships

Cube 90182
Cube 858779


  1. Borg cubes appear in the opening credits of Lower Decks. Owing to the simple surface structure we can't tell exactly which known type can be seen here.
  2. The sequence was updated for season 2. Besides showing more diversity among the other alien vessels (not just Romulans but also Klingons and Pakled), the Borg cubes now have a more elaborate texture, and look much like the vessels on TNG (with some touches of the later variations).
  3. More Borg cubes appear in the two season 2 episodes "I, Excretus" (as a simulation only) and in "wej Duj" (Cube 90182). The cubes seen on these two occasions are almost identical and lack the new detailing of the ships from the revised credits. These cubes may qualify as a variation.
  4. Cube 858779 is mentioned in LOW: "Twovix".

See also Borg Ship Classes

Class specifications

None available



General description

This sphere serves as a lifeboat for Borg cubes.
Gallery: Borg Starships

Known ships

No name given


This smaller kind of sphere, the "lifeboat", is classified as "Type 2" in the Borg starship database. It can be seen in Boimler's simulation in "I, Excretus".

See also Borg Ship Classes

Class specifications

Diameter: approx. 450m



Boarding pod

General description

This is a small pod, which is deployed to board enemy ships and is guided by a tether.

Known shuttles

No name given


We can see a pod in LOW: "Trusted Sources".

Class specifications

Length: approx. 4m



General description

The Breen use this very complex and asymmetric type of warship.
Gallery: Starships of Dominion and Allies

Known ships

No name given


In LOW: "Trusted Sources", we can see Breen cruisers in orbit of the planet Brekka that they have occupied. The Cerritos is no match for these ships, but they are eventually defeated by the automated Texas-class USS Aledo.

See also Dominion and Allied Ship Classes

Class specifications

Length: 330m




General description

These small vehicles with two main rotors are most likely not spaceworthy and only used for planetary transport.

Known aircraft

No name given


Several of these air vehicles can be seen parked on Brekka during the Breen invasion in LOW: "Trusted Sources".

Class specifications

None available




General description

A Bynar ship consists of two slightly differently looking rectangular hulls connected by a thin bridge with a small central module.

Known ships

No name given


The Bynar ship is kidnapped in LOW: "A Few Badgeys More", by the mystery ship that is later revealed to be the Nova One. It only briefly appears as part of the Nova Fleet in "Old Friends, New Planets", without having an active role in the episode.

Class specifications

None available



Deep Space 9

General description

The space station Terok Nor, a Cardassian design, was put under common control of the Provisional Bajoran Government and Starfleet after the end of the Cardassian occupation in 2369.
Gallery: Cardassian Starships

Known stations

Deep Space 9 (formerly: Terok Nor)


The station appears in a flashback in LOW: "Cupid's Errant Arrow" and much more prominently in "Hear All, Trust Nothing".

See also Cardassian Ship Classes

Class specifications

Diameter: approx. 1km



General description

This is a small Cardassian warship with unknown capabilities.

Known ships

No name given


  1. Mariner's Miranda class is pursued by what looks like Hideki fighters in her holographic simulation in LOW: "Strange Energies". But the proportions and hull features are different, so this should be rated as a new ship class.
  2. Three ships of this type appear in LOW: "Old Friends, New Planets" as part of the Nova Fleet. The better look at the design in this episode confirms this is not supposed to be a Hideki.

Class specifications




General description

The Galor class is a powerful ship of the Cardassian military still around 2380.
Gallery: Cardassian Starships

Known ships

No name given


Two Galor-class ships appear outside the Cardassian facility in Mariner's holographic simulation in LOW: "Strange Energies".

See also Cardassian Ship Classes

Class specifications

Length: 481m


Small ship

General description

Nothing is known about this small ship type, except that it is a Cardassian design.

Known ships

No name given


We can spot at least three ships of this previously unseen type in Mariner's holographic scenario in LOW: "Strange Energies". The planform and detailing are unmistakably Cardassian.

Class specifications

None available



Tweerk type

General description

The Tweerk is an armed Clicket starship, about which no further information is available.

Known ships



The Tweerk is seen in one of the flashbacks in LOW: "Veritas". The ship briefly exchanges fire with the Cerritos.

Class specifications

None available


Collector's Guild

Kerner Hauze's ship

General description

Kerner Hauze owned a large irregularly shaped ship, designed to present his collection and equipped with all kinds of security measures.

Known ships

No name given


  1. This ship appears in LOW: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open". It is very likely a one-off design and defnitely looks like that.
  2. Kerner Hauze was a Zibalian, just like Kivas Fajo in "The Most Toys". They wear the same jewelry, personal force field generator and make-up and have similar tattoos and outfits. It is fitting to file his ship under "Collector's Guild", rather than "Zibalian" though.

Class specifications

None available


Siggi's ship

General description

Chairman Siggi's ship is very small, apparently built for just one person.

Known ships

No name given


This ship can be seen in LOW: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open". Siggi's tentacled species remains unknown so far.

Class specifications

None available



Scavenger ship I

General description

This ship consists of a detachable crew module and a larger cargo/scrap container. It is unarmed but equipped with a tractor beam.

Known ships

No name given


We can see the Drookmani ship in LOW: "Terminal Provocations".

Class specifications

None available


Scavenger ship II

General description

This ship consists of a small crew module and very large cargo containers. It is unarmed but equipped with a tractor beam.

Known ships

No name given


  1. This second Drookmani scavenger appears twice in LOW: "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption". It has different cargo containers and a relatively smaller command section than the first type.
  2. The same type of vessel can also be seen in LOW: "A Few Badgeys More" when the ocular unit with Badgey is salvaged from the battleground in the Kalla system. This was already foreshadowed in "The Stars at Night".

Class specifications

None available



General description

This boxy shuttle is an auxiliary craft of the Drookmani scavenger ship.

Known shuttles

No name given


This shuttle appears in LOW: "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption".

Class specifications

None available



Orbital lift

General description

As the ionically charged thermosphere of their planet does not allow the use of transporters, the Dulainians have built orbital lifts to reach orbit.

Known structures

No name given


The orbital lifts appear in LOW: "The Least Dangerous Game".

Class specifications

None available




General description

This is a two-seated shuttlepod, equipped with warp drive.
Article: Variations of the Ferengi Shuttle
Gallery: Ferengi Starships

Known shuttles

No name given


A Ferengi shuttle is on display in the museum in LOW: "Veritas". Another one belongs to Kynk and can be seen in "Mugato, Gumato". More Ferengi shuttles appear on Ferenginar in "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place".

See also Ferengi Ship Classes

Class specifications

Length: 6m


Shuttles on Ferenginar, as seen on the surface of the planet in LOW: "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place"

Besides the familiar shuttlepod, we can also see other designs that may or may not be of Ferengi origin.


Small ship

General description

This is a Ferengi ship considerably smaller than a D'Kora class but with multiple decks nonetheless.

Known ships

No name given


A ship of this type operated by a Ferengi named Gem is hijacked by the Nova One in LOW: "Parth Ferengi's Heart Place". The ship becomes part of the Nova Fleet (with new markings painted on) and is now commanded by formerly subordinated crew members in "Old Friends, New Planets".

Class specifications

None available



Ships or shuttles, seen in the sky and close to the ground on the Galardonian homeworld in LOW: "Second Contact"



General description

This appears to be a Galardonian farming vehicle.

Known vehicles

No name given


The tractor can be seen in LOW: "Second Contact".

Class specifications

None available




General description

The Gelrakian ship includes a large crystal and is equipped with phasers. Many boarding pods are attached to the outer hull.

Known ships

No name given


These ships show up in LOW: "Temporal Edict".

Class specifications

None available


Boarding pod

General description

The Gelrakian boarding pods are constructed to attach themselves to the hull of an enemy ship.

Known shuttles

No name given


These pods show up in LOW: "Temporal Edict".

Class specifications

None available



General description

The Gelrakian hoverbike appears to be essentially a motorbike without wheels.

Known vehicles

No name given


A hoverbike can be briefly glimpsed in LOW: "Temporal Edict".

Class specifications

None available




General description

The Monaveen is the ship of Hysperian Queen Paolana. The ship is designed in the style of a medieval/fairy-tale castle but with otherwise modern technology. Main engineering includes a "dragonsblood flame" (primary fusion reactor), which works in conjunction with the "elf matrix" (subspace field matrix).

Known ships



  1. The Monaveen appears in LOW: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie". We can see that it has eight decks and is considerably smaller than the Cerritos.
  2. The Hysperians are listed as "alien", although technically they appear to be a non-aligned human civilization.

Class specifications

Deck count: 8



Attack ship

General description

The Jem'Hadar attack ship is an agile and powerful small warship. It is equipped with polaron beam weapons. When the ship was first encountered by the Federation, its shields and transporter technology was superior.
Gallery: Starships of Dominion and Allies

Known ships

No name given


  1. A Jem'Hadar attack ship can be seen in the museum in LOW: "Veritas". The scene doesn't get the scale right because the ship looks like it is only shuttle-sized. Maybe it is a mock-up, not at full size?
  2. Another Jem'Hadar ship appears in Mariner's holographic scenario in "Strange Energies" and is destroyed by a phaser blast from the USS MacDuff.

See also Dominion and Allied Ship Classes

Class specifications

Attack ship
Length: 95m



Ship variant

General description

The Karemma operate this large type of merchant vessels without notable armament.
Article: Redresses of the Karemma Ship

Known ships

No name given


The Karemma ship in LOW: "Hear All, Trust Nothing" is a hybrid between the CG knock-off as used for Bajorans and aliens-of-the-week on one hand, and the actual Karemma design from DS9: "Starship Down" on the other hand. The overall proportions, the engine placement and the blue engine color resemble the latter, whereas the brown color and the three wings instead of the forked bow, as well as engine details, are almost exactly as on the former. The wider "rollbar" with two small wings, on the other hand, and the apparent cockpit window are like on none of the previous two design variations. It is possible that whoever drew the ship had the inaccurate Eaglemoss model based on the CGI as a reference but was aware of the look of the authentic Karemma ship as well.

See also Dominion and Allied Ship Classes

Class specifications




Probe Type I

General description

This probe was launched from the planet Kataan 1000 years ago. It contains a program that reconstructs life on the planet through a synaptic link with a person.

Known probes

No name given


The famous probe from TNG: "The Inner Light" is part of Kerner Hauze's collection, as seen in LOW: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open".

Class specifications

Age: approx. 1000 years


Probe Type II

General description

This is another type of probe of obviously Kataanian origin.

Known probes

No name given


This probe appears (and gets activated) in LOW: "In the Cradle of Vexilon". It looks different than the one in TNG: "The Inner Light", as it has a round base instead of a hexagonal one and features four instead of two panels.

Class specifications

Age: approx. 1000 years




General description

The Bird-of-Prey is still a common light warship of the Klingon Empire in the 2370s.
Article: The Bird-of-Prey Size Paradox
Klingon Bird-of-Prey Gallery

Known ships

IKS Che'ta


  1. A Klingon BoP appears at the beginning of LOW: "Temporal Edict."
  2. The IKS Che'ta appears in LOW: "wej Duj". We get the impression that this ship is small (again), probably considerably less than 200m.
  3. We can also see several BoPs in the update opening credits since season 2, having joined the fight against the Borg.
  4. The Che'ta gets hijacked by the Nova One in LOW: "Twovix" and is recaptured in "The Inner Fight". After that, one BoP is still in the hands of Nova Fleet, as seen in "Old Friends, New Planets".

See also Klingon Ship Classes

Class specifications

Length: 110m


D5 variant

General description

This is a variation of the D5, a Klingon ship type of the 22nd century.
Article: The Everlasting Klingon Battlecruiser
Gallery: Klingon Ships of the 22nd Century

Known ships

No name given


  1. Two old Klingon D5 cruisers as previously seen on Star Trek Enterprise appear in Mariner's holographic scenario in LOW: "Strange Energies". The second one misses its bridge section. Since they are only holograms, we don't need to worry about the anachronism.
  2. At the first glance, the design as seen in the Lower Decks episode looks like the cruiser (without the fuel pods), but the wings shape is like on the tanker variant. Most likely it is just the tanker without the pods.

Class specifications

None available



General description

This is a type of battlecruiser used by the Klingons from about 2270 to the Dominion War. There may be different versions with different locations of disruptor emitters and torpedo tubes.
Article: The Everlasting Klingon Battlecruiser
D7 and K't'inga Gallery

Known ships

No name given


A Klingon K't'inga can be seen in the museum in LOW: "Veritas". The scene doesn't get the scale right because the ship looks like it is at most 50m long. Maybe it is a mock-up, not at full size?

See also Klingon Ship Classes

Class specifications

Length: 214m


Vindicta's boarding pod

General description

This is a pod that, if it exists, is likely of Klingon origin.

Known shuttles

No name given


We don't now whether the boarding pod that Mariner creates for her "The Rise of Vindicta" holomovie in LOW: "Crisis Point" actually exists.

Class specifications

None available


Vindicta's ship

General description

This is a ship type that, if it exists, is definitely of Klingon origin.

Known ships

No name given


The ship that Mariner quickly creates for herself as "Vindicta" in LOW: "Crisis Point" is essentially a blend of a K't'inga and a BoP in a configuration that doesn't make much sense and that may or may not exist in reality.

Class specifications

None available



Shuttles on Lapeeria, as seen in the air above the planetary capital in LOW: "First First Contact"


New Axton

Moon shuttle

General description

Bulky shuttles provide transport between New Axton and one of its moons every three hours.

Known shuttles

No name given


After the authorities of New Axton have assigned a parking position near the second moon to the Cerritos, Freeman and her away team take a moon shuttle to get to the planet in LOW: "The Inner Fight".

Class specifications

None available


Planetary shield & gate

General description

New Axton is surrounded by a planetary shield, apparently maintained by distributed generators. A gate provides access to the surface for ships and shuttles.

Known stations

No name given


The authorities of New Axton, who don't like Starfleet, don't allow the Cerritos crew to beam down but they let the ship of a bounty hunter (actually Billups in disguise) pass the gate without further checks in LOW: "The Inner Fight".

Class specifications

None available


Shuttles and vehicles on New Axton, as seen in various places on and near the surface of the planet in LOW: "The Inner Fight"

Many of the shuttles are probably operated by off-worlders, but a better classification is not possible.


Nova Fleet

Nova One type

General description

The Nova One is a small vessel that is equipped with a weapon to tow away other ships and leave the impression they were destroyed.

Known ships

Nova One


Nick Locarno uses the Nova One to hijack several non-Federation vessels, starting with the Klingon Bird-of-Prey IKS Che'ta in LOW: "Twovix" and continuing with a Romulan ship, an Orion ship, a Ferengi ship, a Bynar ship and three Cardassian ships. The exact technology to take over other ships while leaving the impression they were destroyed is never explained. Most likely it is artistic license that the intact ship disappears and the debris appears immediately.

Class specifications

None available


Other Nova Fleet vessels, as seen in LOW: "Old Friends, New Planets"

After Ma'ah has retaken the Che'ta, there are still another two Birds-of-Prey in the Nova Fleet. In and around the spacedock, we can also see the Ferengi, Romulan, Cardassian and Orion vessels, whose entries are not doubled here. Other than that, there are still more ships that were either hijacked or otherwise acquired by Nick Locarno. These include a design (3) that might be Ferengi but isn't the one we already know (which looks different and is in the spacedock at the time). There is one Pakled ship or a variation thereof (5). All other ship designs are new (1,2,4,6,8). There seem to be two space stations (7,9). We can also see workbees (10, 11, 12) inside the spacedock, and two small vessels (13, 14) of the type of the early Ferengi ship aka Dekendi shuttle in the background behind Nova One.



General description

Nick Locarno's spacedock is large enough to hold several smaller vessels.

Known stations

No name given


We can see the spacedock from the outside and inside in LOW: "Old Friends, New Planets".

Class specifications

None available




General description

The Orion destroyer is a massive ship with uncertain purpose.

Known ships



  1. D'Erika Tendi "borrows" her sister D'Vana this warship in LOW: "Old Friends, New Planets" but fails to mention that it is derelict.
  2. This is possibly the vessel with the most absurdly exaggerated size in the history of the franchise. It can be seen relative to the about 500m long Cerritos twice in the episode, and has to be 20 kilometers long on both occasions. This makes the Orion destroyer the most voluminous non-Borg ship ever, surpassing even the Voth city ship by quite some margin.
  3. Even if we reduced the size by a whole order of magnitude, there would still be the dilemma that the Cerritos somehow had to tow the massive vessel to the Detrion system...

Class specifications

None available



General description

The interceptor is a small bird-like Orion ship and possibly an upgrade of a class that has been in service for almost 250 years.

Known ships

No name given


  1. A ship of this type gets hijacked by Nick Locarno in LOW: "Something Borrowed, Something Green". We later see the vessel as part of the Nova Fleet (and with Kolvoord Starburst markings) in LOW: "Old Friends, New Planets".
  2. The design is much the same as the 22nd century interceptor, which appeared in ENT season 4. Many details are different, however, such as the hull color and the lighting. Also, there are several spikes and something that looks like a grappler (to capture a booty ship?) that the old design didn't have.

See also Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships L-R

Class specifications

None available


Orbital station

General description

There is at least one space station in orbit of the planet Orion.

Known stations

No name given


We can see the station in a distance in LOW: "Something Borrowed, Something Green" and "Old Friends, New Planets".

Class specifications

None available


Pirate ship

General description

This is a small and possibly outdated Orion ship type.

Known ships

No name given


  1. This ship can be seen near the planet Orion in LOW: "Something Borrowed, Something Green".
  2. The design is the same as Harrad-Sar's ship from the 22nd century in ENT: "Bound". There are no details that would set the two ships apart.

See also Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships L-R

Class specifications

None available



General description

The raider is a vessel with a characteristic wing structure, which in its basic configuration may have been around for over 100 years. It is considerably bigger than a California class.

Known ships

No name given


  1. The ship appears in LOW: "Old Friends, New Planets" to take D'Vana Tendi home to Orion.
  2. The design follows the lines of the ship from TAS: "The Pirates of Orion" for the most part. Many details are different, however, and shouldn't be simply ascribed to different animation styles.

See also TAS Alien Ship Classes

Class specifications

None available


Wrecks on Orion, as seen on the graveyard in LOW: "Something Borrowed, Something Green"

Nothing of the wreckage is clearly identifiable. One looks a bit like a Tellarite shuttle. Another wreck has a windshield like an Abramsverse standard shuttle 2.



Shuttles, as seen on the planet Ornara in LOW: "Trusted Sources"



Battle harpy

General description

The battle harpy is a small combat ship of the Pakled that only in large numbers is a match to a Federation starship.

Known ships

No name given


We see the battle harpies in combat with the Titan in LOW: "Strange Energies" and on and around Pakled Planet in "The Spy Humongous".

Class specifications

None available


Clumpship type I

General description

After looking for things to make them go for many years, the Pakled have accumulated parts of Arkonian, Bajoran, Ferengi, Klingon, Romulan and unknown origin to build a formidable warship. This particular ship includes Romulan nacelles, a huge central structure of unknown origin on the very top and something like a drydock with angular struts on the ventral side.

Known ships

No name given


  1. The first upgraded Pakled vessel that attacks and destroys the USS Solvang in LOW: "No Small Parts" and later explodes due to Shaxs's and Rutherford's sabotage is of this type.
  2. We can see on a display how the design that started as a Mondor type was supplemented with parts of different origins. The not-so-familiar symbol on the screen is that of the Arkonians.

Class specifications

None available


Clumpship type II

General description

After looking for things to make them go for many years, the Pakled have accumulated parts of different origins to build formidable battleships. This particular ship includes thin wings, yellow nacelles on the wings and on the very top and something like a drydock with angular struts on the ventral side.

Known ships

No name given


This is the left one of the three Pakled ships that arrive just after the first one has been destroyed in LOW: "No Small Parts".

Class specifications

None available


Clumpship type III

General description

After looking for things to make them go for many years, the Pakled have accumulated parts of different origins to build formidable battleships. This particular ship includes short wings, two massive green glowing nacelles and something like a drydock with a hexagonal cross-section on the ventral side.

Known ships

No name given


  1. This is the middle one of the three Pakled ships that arrive just after the first one has been destroyed in LOW: "No Small Parts".
  2. The ship that can be seen in orbit of the planet Karzill IV in "Kayshon, His Eyes Open" has an identical structure and is likely the very same vessel.

Class specifications

None available


Clumpship type IV

General description

After looking for things to make them go for many years, the Pakled have accumulated parts of different origins to build formidable battleships. This particular ship includes long pivoted wings, a red nacelle color and something like a drydock with angular struts on the ventral side.

Known ships

No name given


This is the right one of the three Pakled ships that arrive just after the first one has been destroyed in LOW: "No Small Parts".

Class specifications

None available


Clumpship type V

General description

After looking for things to make them go for many years, the Pakled have accumulated parts of different origins to build formidable battleships. This particular ship includes Romulan nacelles, two huge yellow nacelles and something like a drydock with angular struts on the ventral side.

Known ships

No name given


The USS Titan fights against this ship at the beginning of "Kayshon, His Eyes Open".

Class specifications

None available


Clumpship type VI

General description

After looking for things to make them go for many years, the Pakled have accumulated parts of different origins to build formidable battleships. This particular ship type includes nacelles whose exact type may vary, "wires" from the superstructure to the wings and something like a drydock with bending struts on the ventral side.

Known ships



  1. Three comparably similar looking Pakled ships can be seen in LOW: "The Spy Humongous", the main difference being the nacelle color.
  2. The ship named Pakled from LOW: "wej Duj" is of this type too, with yet another color variation.
  3. This is also the type of Pakled ships that can be seen in the revised opening credits of season 2.

Class specifications

None available



General description

The Pakled ships of the 2360s were on an overall low technological level, but the Pakled tried to compensate for that by adding parts of other origin.
Article: Redresses of the Mondor

Known ships

No name given


The original design of the Mondor, which forms the basis of the huge battleship as it appears in the episode, can be seen on a monitor in LOW: "No Small Parts". It is also a part of all other "clumpships" that we see in the series.

See also Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships L-R

Class specifications




General description

This is apparently a shuttle used by the Pakled.

Known shuttles

No name given


A shuttle can be seen parked on the surface of Karzill IV in LOW: "Kayshon, His Eyes Open". We don't really know at this time whether the Pakled used it or whether it had been on the planet before. But it looks like it is the same type as the one Rumdar arrives in on the Cerritos in LOW: "The Spy Humongous".

Class specifications

None available




General description

The Bird-of-Prey was first sighted in 2266 when a starship of this type crossed the Neutral Zone and attacked the Earth Outposts. The ship was equipped with warp drive and armed with a powerful plasma energy weapon, and it had the ability to cloak. While cloaked, the Bird-of-Prey was not capable of firing but still warp-capable.
Article: Warp Drive and Romulan History

Known ships

No name given


Shaxs and Rutherford steal this ship, which for some reason is fully operational and fueled up, from the (probably Vulcan) museum in LOW: "Veritas". The design from TOS: "Balance of Terror" was faithfully redrawn for Lower Decks, including the hull plates of the remastered version.

See also Romulan Ship Classes

Class specifications

Length: 131m


Bird-of-Prey variant

General description

This appears to be an old Romulan ship that shares the lineage with the Bird-of-Prey, with different wings and nacelles and a "beak" on the main hull.

Known ships

No name given


We can spot at least two of these ships in Mariner's holographic scenario in LOW: "Strange Energies". The design is new to official Star Trek and previously appeared in the video game Star Trek: Starfleet Command (1999) as Snipe class. Since they are only holograms, we don't need to worry about the anachronism of several TOS-era ships in the 24th century.

Class specifications

None available



General description

The Warbird of the D'deridex class is a huge starship used by the Romulans in the 24th century. The ship is twice as long as a Federation Galaxy class, with an advantage in fire power, but a lower maximum speed. The power source is an artificial quantum singularity.
Article: Appearances of the Romulan Warbird
Gallery: Romulan Starships

Known ships

No name given


Warbirds appear in the opening credits (most notably in season 1), fighting the Borg, in LOW: "Veritas" when three of the huge vessels show up next to the cloaked old Bird-of-Prey, in the scenario in Rutherford's mind in LOW: "Reflections" and when the Cerritos narrowly avoids the Neutral Zone in LOW: "Empathalogical Fallacies".

See also Romulan Ship Classes

Class specifications

Length: 1353m



General description

This is a moderately armed and armored hovering land vehicle.

Known vehicles

No name given


We can see the hovertank in Boimler's holographic scenario in LOW: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus". It does not have to be a Romulan vehicle and may not exist at all.

Class specifications

None available


Valdore variant

General description

This is a large and heavily armed Romulan starship.

Known ships

No name given


The ship that appears in Boimler's holonovel in LOW: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus" looks like a Valdore type at the first glance. Besides some smaller detail changes that might pass as artistic license, his ship is set apart by a huge "vertical stabilizer". It is uncertain whether Boimler's Valdore version is an authentic Romulan design.

See also Romulan Ship Classes

Class specifications

Length: 604m


Vertical ship

General description

This is a smaller Romulan ship with nacelles arranged above and below the main hull. It features a cloaking device and disruptors.

Known ships

No name given


  1. The particular ship is commanded by Vrek and is hijacked by the still unknown Nova One in LOW: "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee". It is later a part of Nick Locarno's Nova Fleet, for which it was repainted with the Kolvoord Starburst logo.
  2. The design is based on Andrew Probert's original concept for the D'deridex class. It is supposed to be considerably smaller though. The front tip is similar as on the Romulan shuttle from DS9: "In the Pale Moonlight".

Class specifications

None available



Web spinner (TOS-R)

General description

The Tholian web spinner has a characteristic "three-leaved" port-starboard cross-section, and is tapered towards the front tip. The ship has an emitter at its aft end, allowing to "spin" a tractor field that would destroy a ship trapped inside.

Known ships

No name given


A Tholian ship can be seen in the museum in LOW: "Veritas". Lower Decks follows the lines of the updated version for the remastered TOS, not the original one from the 1960s.

See also Alpha and Beta Quadrant Ships S-Z

Class specifications

Length: approx. 15m


Unknown Affiliation

Bounty hunter ship

General description

This is a shuttle-sized ship of unknown affiliation that is admitted to enter the planetary shield of New Axton.

Known ships

No name given


The bounty hunter ic charge of this ship turns out to be Billups, who in this guise managed to acquire the information about Locarno's whereabouts that was denied to Freeman's away team in Starfleet uniforms in LOW: "The Inner Fight". There is no clue in this episode how he could get his hands on the ship without raising suspicion.

Class specifications

None available


Crashed ship

General description

We don't know anything about this ship, except that it is rather small and has a dedicated cockpit section with windows.

Known ships

No name given


Searching for a way to contact the outside world, Boimler enters this ship an connects the evil computer AGIMUS to its systems in LOW: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie".

Class specifications

None available


Crashed ships, on the surface of the planet inside the gravity well in LOW: "Where Pleasant Fountains Lie"

All wreckage is incomplete and can't be attributed to specific ships.



General description

This is a common type of freighter, as used by many civilizations.
Article: Redresses of the Batris
Article: The Antares Class(es)

Known ships

No name given


The ship appears in Boimler's program in LOW: "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus". It has the same configuration as the Sanction and the Erstwhile from TNG.

Class specifications

Length: approx. 290m


Generation ship

General description

This is a huge ancient generation ship of unknown origin. Its crew is mummified. The ship carries a molecular fluid that is capable of turning inorganic substances into compounds found on planets, probably to terraform the destination of the ship.

Known ships

No name given


We can see this unique design in LOW: "Moist Vessel".

Class specifications

None available


Hyde's shuttle

General description

The alien named Hyde owns a small ship, or rather a shuttle, that he has rigged to self-destruct when being tractored, in order to obtain a generous compensation.

Known shuttles

No name given


The ship appears in LOW: "Mugato, Gumato". The origin of Hyde is not revealed in the episode.

Class specifications

None available


Menagerium station

General description

Owned by an alien named Narj and located in orbit of a planet, this station is home to a galactic zoo.

Known stations

Narj's Miraculous Menagerarium


The Menagerium can be seen in LOW: "I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee".

Class specifications

None available


Museum ship, visible outside the museum (probably on Vulcan) in LOW: "Veritas"

Besides two ships with a Federation look, we can spot one greenish design that could be alien (Romulan?). There is no clue whether this is an active vessel and parked on the landing pad or whether it is on display in the museum.



General description

The probe Nomad was developed by Jackson Roykirk and launched in 2002, to seek out alien life. It later collided with an alien probe named Tan Ru, thereby forming a new, enormously powerful device.
Gallery: Pre-Federation Vessels

Known probes

Probe 2002-45b Nomad MK-15c
(original name)


Nomad can be glimpsed in LOW: "Second Contact" and is clearly visible in the "anomaly storage" in "In the Cradle of Vexilon".

Class specifications

Height: 1.5m (after collision)
Launched in 2002


Peanut Hamper's warp engine

General description

In order to escape from the debris field near the Kalla system, Peanut Hamper builds what is essentially a warp nacelle connected to a dilithium supply.

Known shuttles

No name given


In LOW: "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption", the contraption breaks apart quickly and strands Peanut Hamper on the planet Areolus.

Class specifications

None available


Planet Killer

General description

The Planet Killer's origin was outside our galaxy. The weapon's irregular cone-shaped hull consisted of neutronium. Its antiproton beam was powerful enough to destroy whole planets whose rubble it could use as fuel.

Known probes

No name given


A model of the Planet Killer is on display in the bar in LOW: "An Embarrassment of Dooplers".

See also Ancient or Mysterious Ships

Class specifications

Length: approx. 2700m



General description

This is a simple three-wheeled and single-seated ground vehicle.

Known vehicles

No name given


The vehicle appears in a cave in LOW: "Caves". Acccording to Boimler, it was placed there by the Vendorians as a character test for him and Lieutenant Levy. At least, there is a possibility that the story is true.

Class specifications

None available


Shuttles on Tulgana IV, as seen on the surface and in the air in several regions of the planet in LOW: "Envoys" and "Reflections"

The Type 6, Galileo 7 and the design inspired by the air tram are clearly Federation shuttles (or surplus shuttles sold by the Federation). There are several more shuttles without any design cues that may be alien.


Whale Probe

General description

The Whale Probe was sent by an unknown civilization to contact the supposedly intelligent humpback whales living in the oceans of the planet Earth. Essentially just a black cylinder with irregular, organic-looking surface, the probe's hull opened seamlessly to release a rotating transceiver ball when establishing the contact.

Known probes

No name given


The Whale Probe appears in the chaos battle in the opening credits since season 4.

See also Ancient or Mysterious Ships

Class specifications

No specs available


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