Starship Gallery

Earth & FederationKlingonsOther Major AliensAlpha and Beta QuadrantGamma and Delta QuadrantAbramsverseDiscoverse

The Starship Gallery at EAS contains numerous photos, schematic drawings, renderings and screen captures of Federation and alien vessels. With very few exceptions the depictions are from "official" sources or based on the actual CG models. Please note that I am unable to show each and every existing picture. For more pictures, refer to the Starship Database and to heavily illustrated articles.


Earth & Federation

Constitution - original Enterprise and refit

Excelsior - incl. Enterprise-B and study models

Ambassador - Enterprise-C and all other variations

Galaxy - incl. "All Good Things" Enterprise

Defiant - USS Defiant NX-74205

Nebula - Phoenix, Sutherland, Farragut

Miranda - Reliant, Saratoga, Bozeman (Soyuz Class)

Intrepid - USS Voyager NCC-74656

Sovereign - USS Enterprise NCC-1701-E

First Contact Vessels - Akira, Saber, Steamrunner, Norway

Wolf 359 & DS9TM Starfleet Vessels - kitbashes created for TNG and DS9

Various Starfleet Vessels - from Daedalus to Enterprise-J

Various Federation Vessels - Maquis and other non-Starfleet

Pre-Federation Earth Vessels - from DY-100 to Shuttlepod 1

NX Class - Enterprise NX-01 and Columbia NX-02

Shuttlecraft - and other vessels carried aboard starships

Delta Flyer

Other Small Federation Vessels - and probes

Federation Space Stations



D7 & K't'inga

Bird-of-Prey - Scout, D-12, B'rel, K'Vort or birds by any other name

Vor'cha, Negh'Var & Various

Klingon Ships of the 22nd Century


Other Major Aliens

Vulcans - pre-Federation

Romulans - incl. 22nd century and Reman vessels


Cardassians - incl. Terok Nor / Deep Space 9


Dominion and Allies - Jem'Hadar, Breen, Karemma





Alpha and Beta Quadrant

Alpha and Beta Quadrant, Part 1 - starships

Alpha and Beta Quadrant, Part 2 - shuttles, probes, structures, ancient ships


Major Aliens of the 22nd Century - Andorians, Tellarites, Tholians, etc.

Other Aliens of the 22nd Century


Gamma and Delta Quadrant

Gamma Quadrant

Delta Quadrant, Part 1 - from Caretaker to Dauntless

Delta Quadrant, Part 2 - from Malon to Ledosians

The Krenim and Their Enemies - ships from "Year of Hell"




Abramsverse Federation Vessels

Abramsverse Alien Vessels



Discoverse Federation Vessels

Discoverse Alien Vessels



Each image in this gallery is individually attributed. Many are from print publications such as from Eaglemoss and historically from the Star Trek Fact Files, Star Trek: The Magazine, Star Trek Mechanics and STTNG: The Continuing Mission. Please contact me for other sources that have to be credited. No infringement upon Paramount's or third-party copyright is intended. Unless otherwise noted, all images were scanned and cleaned up especially for use on this website.


Starship Concept Art @ The FSD
More on ships and their development

Set Blueprint Archive
Blueprints, concept art and model photos

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