Past Updates 2003

See updates from:

December November October September August July June May April March February January



26 Dec 2003

There are some random updates in the JoAT. Look here to see everything new at a glance.

Added a few Book Reviews, in particular the one of the Star Trek Star Charts.

23 Dec 2003

Masao has completed a new article about Avenger- and Predator-Class Destroyers in the Starfleet Museum.

21 Dec 2003

New story: Star Trek: Horizon - Into a Shattered Place, Part 1 by Ruben Hilbers. There is also a new Encyclopedia about the Horizon series.

19 Dec 2003

EAS is proud to be a sponsor of Memory Alpha, an open Star Trek reference written collaboratively by the readers. The site is a WikiWiki database, meaning that any fan may edit anything that is not designated as a protected page. Try it!

Also, read the Christmas Special 2003 of Star Trek Renegade: The Tides of Destruction.

16 Dec 2003

The server move has not yet taken place. In the meantime, here is an update to the Galleries: a couple of new emblems, several images of Vulcans, Delta Quadrant races, interiors of the original Enterprise, controls of the original Enterprise, and some more.

14 Dec 2003

EAS will move to a new server too. The move will prospectively take place today, but after making the new DNS entries, the site may be temporarily down or randomly for a couple of days.

13 Dec 2003

The SCN is now running at

In the Starship Database, there are still more new images by Alice Orbán, including Suliban ships, the J Class, drydock type 4.

10 Dec 2003

The Subspace Comms Network is currently being transferred to a new system. There might be short down times, and the URL will change to More about the progress here.

03 Dec 2003

Congratulations to Star Trek Gamers Directory, winner of the EAE Award for December 2003.

02 Dec 2003

Read Star Trek Deneva - Episode VI - Shadows in the Heart by John Berkeley and Mauretania: The Imperial Battle by Tim Traas.



30 Nov 2003

A couple of updates in the Starship Database. Special thanks to Alice Orbán for several ship images.

25 Nov 2003

New stories: 00:00 by Drew Z. and And the Fleet Moved on by Edgar Torres, Sanford Berenberg and Mark Hanford.

23 Nov 2003

Here is the review of "North Star".

20 Nov 2003

The review of "Twilight" is complete.

I have also added the ships from the episode to the Starship Database.

18 Nov 2003

Here is the review of "The Shipment".

17 Nov 2003

Catching up with Enterprise reviews, beginning with "Exile".

14 Nov 2003

Wrote a brief review of Bandai's Enterprise refit model (down the page).

06 Nov 2003

MJ has returned the favor and has awarded his LCARS Integrity Award Level Four to EAS. Thanks a lot!

Furthermore, see the first version of the Space Station Chart. I know it looks a bit boring, but that's because the Spacedock is that dominant, and sizes of many alien stations are still uncertain.

05 Nov 2003

MJ's Star Trek Portal is the Winner of the EAE Award for November 2003. Congratulations!



26 Oct 2003

Here is the revised chart of huge alien ships.

24 Oct 2003

Revised and supplemented the Fleet Charts. Coming soon: huge alien ships and space stations. Please note that the charts only include ships whose structure or on-screen evidence allows at least a coarse size estimation and only if a clear side view is available.

23 Oct 2003

New stories: In Harm's Way - Part III by Epsilon Station and Dead Men Tell No Tales by Rony Tal.

16 Oct 2003

JoAT update with 26 new designs and 59 new images. Go here to see everything new. Important notice: Due to the immense amount of work that needs to be put into every JoAT update from my part, there may still be many errors, outdated or missing files. Please bear with me. But the consequence is that the rules will be checked mercilessly in the future. All contributors are required to read and follow the rules closely. Designs that need extensive searching, renaming, reformatting, typo correcting or other work will be moved to the end of the queue.

14 Oct 2003

And here the review of "Impulse".

11 Oct 2003

Here is the review of "Rajiin".

04 Oct 2003

Congratulations to Trip Hammered, winner of the EAE Award for October 2003!

Furthermore, find a small article with some tips on File Management.

02 Oct 2003

Review of "Extinction".

Two new stories by Drew Z.: Call of the Elder Gods and Fathers and Sons. Furthermore, Following the Northern Star by Rony Tal.



28 Sep 2003

Added several Links.

27 Sep 2003

Reviews of "The Xindi" and "Anomaly". And one request: I am not able to view any recent episode immediately. Please refrain from making any comment or request about it until my review is finished. Don't bug me to write the review -- I usually do that immediately after seeing the episode.

20 Sep 2003

Added two stories: Star Trek Deneva - Violent Turn by John Berkeley and Horizon - Old Rivals by John Scott.

15 Sep 2003

Beginning with TOS and Voyager, I am posting updated Character Biographies (based on the ones in the Star Trek Encyclopedia). A commentary may be added at a later date.

13 Sep 2003

Enjoy the new Renegade Character Gallery by J. Grey.

There are also a few new Inconsistencies. Thanks especially toMaciej Zinczuk for his analysis of the Bashir Changeling.

12 Sep 2003

Many thanks to Bravo Fleet for the Gold Web Award and to Tim and Maarten for the Binnenhof Award!

06 Sep 2003

Congratulations to, winner of the EAE Award for September 2003!

05 Sep 2003

Added almost 80 new Substances and Particles. Thanks to the contributors!



30 Aug 2003

Added several new Substances and Particles. Thanks to the contributors!

Thanks also to Andrew Hodges of Star Trek Australia for displaying EAS as featured link!

26 Aug 2003

Updated the Links page.

23 Aug 2003

I have set up a list of Substances and Particles that was originally created by Steven Grimm and has unfortunately not been updated since 1998. Many facts have already been updated in my list, but there is still a lot to do. Users may use the new submission form to suggest a particle for inclusion or update an existing entry. Only one request: at this time I'm rather looking for substantial information, not minor nitpicks.

17 Aug 2003

Two additions to the fan fiction section: Wagon Train to the Stars by Drew Z. and New Horizons by John Scott.

16 Aug 2003

A few changes to the layout graphics, which are more colorful now.

14 Aug 2003

New poll: What do you think about ads on fan websites? (No, I don't intend to get ads. Just curious).

12 Aug 2003

Large-scale worm attack on Windows computers. Any system running without a firewall may be *very easily* infected. Download the patch (Microsoft). Your system may already be malfunctioning. Possible symptoms are frequent RPC shutdowns. If this occurs, check for a background process called "msblast.exe". Here is a removal tool (Symantec). This and the patch worked perfectly on my own system too.

09 Aug 2003

Fixed previously incomplete upload of the Renegade Ship Gallery (Federation and Aliens).

07 Aug 2003

The ships of the episode Apex can be found in the Renegade Ship Gallery (Federation and Aliens).

06 Aug 2003

The voting for the September EAE Award is open already. Please head over to the poll at the SCN to leave your vote for one of three Trek database sites (registration required).

04 Aug 2003

The winner of the August EAE Award is: Bravo Fleet. Congratulations!

01 Aug 2003

The dramatic episode Apex - Part 2 concludes the first part of Star Trek Renegade. The Corinthian emerges in a nightmare vision of the future they helped to create and the inhabitants demand the destruction of the ship and the death of the crew.



31 Jul 2003

Some new ship images: Prometheus, Cardassian station, Jem'Hadar ships.

29 Jul 2003

ASDB update: See new pictures of the Korolev yacht by Reverend and Kenny, the total redesign of the Deneva by Reverend, updated fleet charts by Dan Carlson, and new images of the Hokule'a and the Merced.

27 Jul 2003

Sincere thanks to UCIP for awarding their Dilithium Award to EAS!

26 Jul 2003

I have changed the procedure for the EAE Award. There will still be only one award per month, and it will now be chosen by the members of the SCN Forum. This is the voting thread. (Note: It was necessary to restrict the vote to registered members in order to prevent misuse.)

25 Jul 2003

Two new stories: Star Trek: Horizon - Awake by Ruben Hilbers and Star Trek Trio: The Limits of Exploration - Part I by Paul Redford.

22 Jul 2003

Walter Matthew Jefferies 1920-2003

19 Jul 2003

The Add-Your-Link function is now working again.

16 Jul 2003

I have cleaned up the link list.

14 Jul 2003

Read Star Trek Renegade - Apex - Part 1 by J. Grey.

10 Jul 2003

New story: Theft, Honor, and Family by Larry Stovall.

There are also a couple of updates in the Starfleet Museum, including new renders of the Constitution class and ship patches.

The monthly EAE Award goes to Spike's Star Trek Page. Congratulations!

08 Jul 2003

With the addition of Laas, Lazarus, Druoda, Quarra and several Delta Quadrant ships of unknown affiliation the Starship Database is 99% complete. Suggestions for additions are welcome now.

While I was at it, I have analyzed the ships in VOY: "The Void".

07 Jul 2003

Added several ships of unnamed affiliation from Enterprise, D'Arsay, Etanians, Nezu and Nyrians to the Starship Database (now about 90% complete).

Read about the difference between TOS and ENT Tellarites here.

06 Jul 2003

Added Retellians, Vissians, Xindi, "Silent Enemy", Chokuzan, Moneans, Vaadwaur and several more to the Starship Database.

01 Jul 2003

New stories: Deceptive Measures by Travis Anderson, Star Trek: Special OPS by Colin Fischer, Prometheus Shakedown by Paul Scott.



27 Jun 2003

Several more new ships in the Starship Database and new images of the NX class.

23 Jun 2003

Added Miradorn, Nacene, Varro and some other ships to the Starship Database.

Also, the analysis of the Antarian Transstellar Rally is now complete.

20 Jun 2003

A new article analyzes the Antarian Transstellar Rally.

There are also several new entries in the Starship Database, including Annari, Cytherians, Ord'Mirit, Wysanti and Yridians.

15 Jun 2003

Five new reviews by Gadrin conclude the first season of DS9.

13 Jun 2003

Added a page with Ethical and Political Problems, and a few inconsistencies to the other pages.

11 Jun 2003

A new series of stories is available, Star Trek Deneva by John Berkeley with five episodes.

There are also some updates in the ASDB, such as new versions of the Antares and Surak class.

10 Jun 2003

Depending on your location, there have been or will be down times because of an outage of my DNS service. This is nothing to worry about, and I can't do anything about it.

08 Jun 2003

Several more new entries in to the Starship Database, such as Corvallen, Dinaal, Lokirrim, Nygean, Qatai, Tash, etc.

07 Jun 2003

Here are some Uniform & Rank Inconsistencies.

Thanks to Alpha Fleet for their award!

06 Jun 2003

After my previous guestbook has degraded to a chatroom, I have taken the opportunity and set up a script of my own. Please sign the new guestbook! There is also a new poll about plot recycling.

05 Jun 2003

The EAE Award for June goes to Star Trek Renaissance. Congratulations!

New in the fan fiction section: Star Trek: Horizon - The Tempus Incident by Ruben Hilbers, In Harm's Way by Epsilon Station, and the essay The UFO Phenomenon by Mathias Rehnman.



31 May 2003

Here is the review of "The Expanse".

I have also updated the Starship Database and the Timeline with the latest episodes.

27 May 2003

Masao has completed an article about the Pyotr Velikiy class and Constitution class in the Starfleet Museum. There are also several new patches, as well as renderings by Thomas Pemberton (Pyotr Velikiy), Emil Petrinic (Paris), Andrew Hall (Powhatan), and Jan Wehlack (Gagarin).

25 May 2003

Several random additions to the Starship Database, such as Akritirians, Ba'neth, Eymorg, Flaxians, Kataan, Kriosians, Melkotians, Minosians, Sheliak, T'Lani, Tamarian, Zibalian, etc.

23 May 2003

The first six chapters of Pax Romana, the new novel by Travis Anderson, are ready.

20 May 2003

The pitiless review of "Bounty" is ready, along with more updates to the Starship Database.

18 May 2003

The review of "First Flight" is finished. I have also updated the Starship Database and the Timeline with the latest episodes.

16 May 2003

JoAT update. See this page for all the new stuff at one glance.

Among my own designs, I have refined the Blackbird class.

12 May 2003

Read the review of "Regeneration".

10 May 2003

There are several new images in the galleries, in particular new scans of various symbols and emblems.

Congratulations to Jason Hinson, who wins the EAE Award for May.

06 May 2003

Here is the review of "Cogenitor". Another good one.

03 May 2003

Enjoy "The Races", a new episode of Star Trek Renegade by Jack Grey. There is also a story by Mark Nightingale, "The Romulan Espionage".



30 Apr 2003

See a new listing of Federation ship names and their origins A-K and L-Z.

Furthermore, there is a new story, Tax Evasion, by Travis Anderson.

28 Apr 2003

My review of "The Breach" is finished. The best episode in quite a while, I think.

25 Apr 2003

I have added inconsistencies about the Vulcans in Enterprise, and about the changing appearance of Andorians. There is also an Enterprise shuttle count (just like the one for Voyager). Several other pages in the Inconsistencies section have been updated as well.

23 Apr 2003

It's the one-year anniversary of the Strato-strophe. Nothing has changed yet. The hosting company keeps lying in their ads about "unlimited traffic", and keeps slandering their customers who exceed the "unlimited traffic", as a recent case shows that was reported to me.

22 Apr 2003

My review of "Horizon". There is also a new guest reviewer: I am posting first-season DS9 reviews by Gadrin.

21 Apr 2003

My "Judgment". I may be alone with this opinion, but I'm tired of rip-offs disguised as homages.

19 Apr 2003

Here is my review of "The Crossing". The rest of the recent episodes will follow shortly.

17 Apr 2003

The EAE Award for April goes to Linguistics Database. Congratulations!

A new section, Quick Reference, has some data and trivia that doesn't fit into the other categories of this site.

Finally, the Starfleet Museum has been supplemented with a listing of UESN and Starfleet Ships. Thanks to Dan!

05 Apr 2003

All right. I will find a better place for the political stuff. For now, here are the updates I decided to hold back. I have added the Aeroshuttle and NX-01 shuttle to the shuttle size chart.

Read Star Trek Renegade: Deadlock and Face in the Mirror by J. Grey. Also new: Sabredance, a story by Larry Stovall.



20 Mar 2003

George Bush is waging a personal and unlawful war against Iraq, a war that will cost the lives of thousands of innocent people and that will have incalculable consequences. Acting like that, Bush is undermining any effort to achieve peace in the Near East, the American-European friendship, and the authority of the UNO. Whilst my best wishes go to the US and British soldiers that the war will be over soon, I strongly disapprove of the motives of their leaders. This is not the time for wrong patriotism. I don't feel like doing business as usual and I will suspend site updates until further notice. Feel free to go to my Guestbook to leave comments.

16 Mar 2003

Enjoy the updated and extended shuttle size chart.

14 Mar 2003

A few considerations about human colonies in the 22nd century. New in the fan fiction section: "Motives" by Larry Stovall.

The winner of this month's EAE Award is Flare Sci-Fi Forums. Congratulations to Charles!

08 Mar 2003

I have re-arranged the site's sections (see the leftmost column). I hope there are no broken links because of this. If you find anything wrong, don't hesitate to contact me.

07 Mar 2003

Here are the reviews of "Future Tense" and "Canamar", plus more changes in the Starship Database.

02 Mar 2003

I have added ships from ENT: "Future Tense" to the Starship Database, including Suliban Ships on a new page.

Thanks to Section 31 for choosing EAS as their Site of the Month!



29 Feb 2003

The successful series Star Trek Renegade by J. Grey is continued with Chapter 9, "Leading Edge". A number of new vessels can be found in the Renegade Ship Gallery (Federation, Alien).

The Starfleet Museum has several new patches (especially of the Paris class) and renders (such as of the Gagarin class).

Finally, I have written the reviews of "Stigma" and "Cease Fire".

28 Feb 2003

Depending on your location and connection, EAS has been or will be temporarily down. This is because my DNS service provider EveryDNS has been the victim of a DoS attack. More about the situation here:

23 Feb 2003

There was no chance for updates after a fatal hard drive crash on my notebook last week. For now, there are the episode guide entries for "Stigma" and "Cease Fire". Reviews will follow soon.

14 Feb 2003

Several new or updated designs in the Journal of Applied Treknology.

09 Feb 2003

A memorial page is dedicated to the Columbia crew and other astronauts and cosmonauts who died during their missions.

07 Feb 2003

New in the fan fiction section: three more stories by Travis Anderson.

Congratulations to Ult-Enterprise and e:earth, winners of the February 2003 EAE Award.

01 Feb 2003

Space shuttle Columbia destroyed during re-entry. I wish to convey my condolences to the families of the seven astronauts.



31 Jan 2003

Three new stories by Travis Anderson can be found in the fan fiction section. Chapter 8 of Star Trek Renegade by J. Grey is finished too. Finally, there are three more stories and essays by various authors. Thanks to all contributors!

26 Jan 2003

EAS Today has been updated. EAS is online for five years, and is awaiting its visitor #2,000,000. Thanks to all fellow Trek fans who have contributed to the success of my site!

24 Jan 2003

The review of "Nemesis" is finished. Finally. My review of "Dawn" is here.

19 Jan 2003

I have added more facts from "Star Trek Nemesis" to the Starship Database. The review will have to wait a couple of days.

18 Jan 2003

Masao has made available some of his preliminary starship sketches.

Furthermore, read my musings about the Realism in Science Fiction.

Thanks to Britannia Fleet for their award!

12 Jan 2003

Thanks also to Mikey for his award!

11 Jan 2003

The EAE Award for January 2003 goes to Sev Trek. Congratulations!

Thanks to Star Trek Voyager UK for presenting their award to EAS!

02 Jan 2003

Thanks to Kris Olinger (once again) for several new images of the Klingon Raptor class and the early Romulan BoP.

01 Jan 2003

Happy New Year 2003!


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