Past Updates 2012

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December November OctoberSeptember August July June May April March February January



29 Dec 2012

Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Loud as a Whisper". As usual, you can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

28 Dec 2012

Here is a preliminary review of the TNG season 2 Blu-ray disc set, to be refined when I have watched most of it.

24 Dec 2012

We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "The Outrageous Okona". Go to our friends of TrekCore for an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.

23 Dec 2012

I have refined and, where necessary, corrected my list of Abramsverse Inconsistencies.

22 Dec 2012

Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Elementary, Dear Data". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.

21 Dec 2012

I have reviewed Star Trek Federation: The First 150 Years.

16 Dec 2012

Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Where Silence Has Lease". As usual, you can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

15 Dec 2012

Here's a brief commentary on the "Star Trek Into Darkness" trailer and on the capabilities of the ship (with some smaller spoilers).

09 Dec 2012

New Poll: Rank the first "Star Trek Into Darkness" trailer.

08 Dec 2012

Two more TNG season 4 reviews: "Suddenly Human" and "Remember Me". Note that I have rearranged the episodes to reflect the production order.

04 Dec 2012

Now that season 2 is going to be officially released, we continue our article series with Observations in TNG: "The Child". You can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.



29 Nov 2012

Continuing my TNG reviews in season 4. Here are "Brothers" and "Family".

27 Nov 2012

TrekCore reviews the TNG season 2 Blu-ray set, including many new screen captures.

26 Nov 2012

We conclude our big article series with Observations in TNG: "The Neutral Zone" and the corresponding HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore. Stay tuned as we are preparing season 2, with the next article ("The Child") arriving some time in December.

25 Nov 2012

As the release date of the TNG season 2 Blu-ray discs is approaching, TrekCore has posted an interview with Denise and Mike Okuda, who were overseeing the remastering process.

24 Nov 2012

Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Conspiracy", another episode with several visual highlights. As usual, you can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

17 Nov 2012

I conclude my TNG reviews of the 3rd season with "Transfigurations" and the exciting double feature "The Best of Both Worlds".

15 Nov 2012

We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "We'll Always Have Paris". Go to our friends of TrekCore for an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode.

12 Nov 2012

CBS has provided some more TNG season 2 preview images.

11 Nov 2012

Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Skin of Evil". As usual, you can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

04 Nov 2012

We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "Symbiosis". See the HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

02 Nov 2012

Second Coming by Travis Anderson: The creators of the Omicron have arrived. The SID holds the secret to stopping these beings but its with a forgotten weapon of incalculable power.

01 Nov 2012

Our next article: Observations in TNG: "The Arsenal of Freedom". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.



28 Oct 2012

Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Heart of Glory". As usual, you can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

18 Oct 2012

Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Coming of Age". See the HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

16 Oct 2012

We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "Home Soil". See the HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

12 Oct 2012

Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "When the Bough Breaks". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.

07 Oct 2012

Here are two more TNG reviews: "Sarek" and "Ménage à Troi".

03 Oct 2012

Some smaller updates, such as notably my commentary on the holodeck safety protocol.



29 Sep 2012

Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Too Short a Season". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.

28 Sep 2012

TrekCore has posted the first part of an exclusive interview with the staff of CBS Digital that was responsible for the remastering of TNG.

26 Sep 2012

Our next article deals with a highlight episode of the first season: Observations in TNG: "11001001". TrekCore has a big HD screen cap gallery of the episode.

22 Sep 2012

Two new TNG reviews: "Hollow Pursuits" and "The Most Toys".

21 Sep 2012

Here is our article with Observations in TNG: "Angel One". As usual, you can find an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

20 Sep 2012

New SID story by Travis Anderson: Campaign. Just after the death of Calvin Hudson, the Maquis get a chance to strike out at his Cardassian opposite number. Can Ro pull it off or will she fail in an epic fashion, taking the bulk of her cell with her?

18 Sep 2012

An EAE Award goes to a site that has been around for many years and that has grown to a truly impressive size: Krillmeed's Star Trek Site.

17 Sep 2012

Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Datalore". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.

16 Sep 2012

A small article by Antony Misztal and me investigates the phenomenon of "Chief Engineers of the Week" in TNG.

15 Sep 2012

Here are our Observations in TNG: "The Big Goodbye", with more to discover than in most other TNG episodes. Check out the extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

12 Sep 2012

Here are my next two TNG reviews: "Captain's Holiday" and "Tin Man".

11 Sep 2012

We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "Haven". Find the HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

07 Sep 2012

Preliminary location of the SCN until the domain can be restored:

05 Sep 2012

CBS has announced that the release date for the second season of TNG on Blu-ray is December 4th for the North American market. The 5-disc set will include various bonus features, according to TrekCore.

04 Sep 2012

New story by Travis Anderson: Salvation. Admiral Johnson has been captured, and Brin Macen's orders are to retrieve his friend if possible and execute if it isn't.

01 Sep 2012

Two more TNG reviews: "Sins of the Father" and "Allegiance".



31 Aug 2012

Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Hide and Q". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.

28 Aug 2012

New Poll: Rate the TNG season 1 Blu-ray set.

27 Aug 2012

Here are our Observations in TNG: "The Battle". See an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

25 Aug 2012

See reworked layouts of the 22nd century Romulan ships by Allen Rolfes in the Starfleet Museum, and notably highly detailed "Bluescale" diagrams of the Chowder class.

24 Aug 2012

Here is our next article: Observations in TNG: "Justice". See an extensive HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.

23 Aug 2012

Various smaller updates, including new TOS bloopers, new container re-uses, a list of the ship names in "Conspiracy", link maintenance and more.

18 Aug 2012

Our next article: Observations in TNG: "Lonely Among Us". TrekCore has an HD screen cap gallery of the episode.

11 Aug 2012

Here's the next article in our series, Observations in TNG: "Where No One Has Gone Before". The HD screen cap gallery of the episode with no less than 434 stills can be found TrekCore.

10 Aug 2012

Here are the next two TNG reviews: "Yesterday's Enterprise" and "The Offspring".

06 Aug 2012

Here is a compilation of some Notable Changes in TNG Remastered, meaning deliberate changes that go beyond the better image quality in HD.

05 Aug 2012

We continue our series with Observations in TNG: "The Last Outpost". Find the HD screen cap gallery of the episode at TrekCore.



31 Jul 2012

Here is the next article, Observations in TNG: "Code of Honor", and the corresponding HD screen cap gallery at TrekCore.

26 Jul 2012

We are now going to release the articles with observations and with SD-HD screen cap comparisons for each single TNG season 1 episode, starting with Observations in TNG: "The Naked Now". Check out the corresponding HD screen cap gallery by our friends at TrekCore. We will try to release another gallery and another article at least once a week.

20 Jul 2012

I will continue to review TNG episodes in SD until I catch up with HD. Here are the next two TNG reviews: "Déjà Q" and "A Matter of Perspective".

17 Jul 2012

Now that I have seen all of the episodes of the season (albeit several of them only in fast forward mode so far) as well as the new special features, here is a review of the TNG season 1 Blu-ray disc set.

15 Jul 2012

I have rearranged a few things and created a new section for the Observations (so far about "Encounter at Farpoint"). Check out a small error that was fixed in that episode in the TNG Remastered Blog.

14 Jul 2012

Clare Raymond's family tree in TNG: "The Neutral Zone"was revised for the HD edition. The sometimes rather silly in-jokes were altered to be less obvious, and some other things were fixed too. Read more in my TNG Remastered Blog.

09 Jul 2012

There is one small surprise in TNG-R: "The Naked Now". Read more in my TNG Remastered Blog (no spoiler!).

08 Jul 2012

TrekCore has posted new stills from TNG-R, including the planet Minos. The planet was reconstructed in HD. Read more in my TNG Remastered Blog.

06 Jul 2012

Soon on EAS: (p)reviews of the remastered TNG episodes on Blu-ray. This is an ongoing project with top priority, so stay tuned for our updates.



30 Jun 2012

Allen Rolfes has created highly detailed "Bluescale" layouts for some of the smaller ships in the Starfleet Museum: Archer and Curran, Minotaur.

21 Jun 2012

Two more TNG reviews: "The Hunted" and "The High Ground".

12 Jun 2012

Redemption, a story by Travis Anderson: Macen is given a shot at redemption in the eyes of Starfleet. It's the final showdown between the SID and Sindis.

15 Jun 2012

Two more TNG reviews: "The Vengeance Factor" and "The Defector".

08 Jun 2012

The EAE Award goes to Ariane's Star Trek Gallery. Congratulations!

03 Jun 2012

Check and update of the Links page.

02 Jun 2012

A few small additions, such as musings about the history of the Maquis.



30 May 2012

A new SID story by Travis Anderson: Countdown to Annihilation. Ro and Macen are assigned to track down a renegade Maquis commander. His plan, to strike the Federation's seat of power near the DMZ in order to eliminate "collaborators".

27 May 2012

Two more TNG reviews: "The Enemy" and "The Price".

20 May 2012

Here is a new story in the Star Trek Universal series by J. Grey: The Lady. Things get serious when a new passenger comes aboard.

17 May 2012

I can't believe it took me as long as 14 years to take care of one of the most obvious Star Trek topics: the Redshirt Deaths in TOS. See a meticulous chronological list of all crew members that died in TOS, and the statistics about shirt colors and other facts.

12 May 2012

Many new renders in the Starfleet Museum by Thomas Pemberton, Rob Willson and Dragonpyper, such as of Postwar Romulan Ships.

09 May 2012

Two more TNG reviews: "The Bonding" and "Booby Trap".

08 May 2012

Another story by Travis Anderson: Shot in the Dark. Odo has a murder on his hands. Can he solve it before a conference between the Maquis and the Cardassians breaks down?

07 May 2012

EAS wins the Starbase 400 Award. Thanks a lot to Mike Bremer and staff!

06 May 2012

New short story by Travis Anderson: Privateer. While still on the Enterprise, Ro gets her first taste of command and discovers that she may not be as prepared for it as she first thought.

03 May 2012

I can think of more interesting things to do than writing long rants and taking flak in controversial debates. So here is only a small commentary on the not officially confirmed news about the upcoming Star Trek movie. Warning: massive spoilers ahead!

02 May 2012

More TNG reviews: "The Survivors" and "Who Watches the Watchers" (not completely new ones but updated and extended).

01 May 2012

Jörg has made many more observations in "Encounter at Farpoint".



30 Apr 2012

Here is a new SID story by Travis Anderson: Justice. Ro and Macen are assigned to track down and apprehend collaborators. In pursuit of Harry Mudd III they discover a threat not only to the Maquis but to the galaxy as a whole. And it's all tied into Macen's past...

29 Apr 2012

I resume my TNG reviews in season 3. Here are "Evolution" and "The Ensigns of Command".

20 Apr 2012

Here is my review of the latest Star Trek Phase II episode, "The Child".

12 Apr 2012

In order to cut down the file sizes and to enable future expansions, I have split the articles about prop and set re-uses in the Investigations section, increasing their number from 7 to 17.

11 Apr 2012

Owing to the eagerness of the Firefox developers to "enhance" the parsing of CSS, I had to rework the code of some 200 Fan Fiction pages. Please notify me of any remaining layout errors.

09 Apr 2012

Good news for TNG fans. The prospective release date of the TNG Blu-ray sets is in July, as reported by TrekCore. We are planning accompanying articles with observations, one for each TNG episode (like the one about "Encounter at Farpoint"). As a first step, I will frequently add new findings from TNG's first season to several sections of the site, with special focus on re-uses such as of costumes.

05 Apr 2012

The Dock Worker is the third story of Star Trek Universal by J. Grey. Sometimes there is no such thing as a small mistake.



27 Mar 2012

I have supplemented several articles with suggestions and corrections, perhaps most notably the Trek references in Japanese anime found by Michael Minnick. On a further note, there is a new version of the story Mass Destruction by Travis Anderson in the Fan Fiction section.

18 Mar 2012

Here's the promised update of the Journal of Applied Treknology. See all the Recent Additions (12 designs, 47 pictures) at a glance.

16 Mar 2012

I will update the JoAT when I find the time. As a first step, please find the feedback on the submissions at the SCN.

11 Mar 2012

Here are "Peak Performance" and "Shades of Gray", concluding my reviews of season 2 of TNG.

08 Mar 2012

Star Trek - Sci Fi Blog by Spacerguy wins the EAE Award March 2012. Congratulations!

04 Mar 2012

Two more TNG season 2 reviews: "Manhunt" and "The Emissary".

03 Mar 2012

Here is The Tourist, the second story of Star Trek Universal, J. Grey's new series. A girl travelling for fun arrives on Station DS401, a place where it's not fun to travel.



29 Feb 2012

Not a big but an interesting update: Paramount's New York Streets Set appeared as soon as in TNG: "The Big Goodbye".

24 Feb 2012

Two more TNG season 2 reviews: "Samaritan Snare" and "Up the Long Ladder".

19 Feb 2012

Here are the next two TNG season 2 reviews: "Pen Pals" and "Q Who".

18 Feb 2012

New Poll: Will you buy the TNG Remastered sets on Blu-ray?

09 Feb 2012

I have included several visitor findings in the Investigations section, such as the discovery that the original Romulan BoP was purposefully designed to look like a Federation ship (which will remain just a side note in the article though).

05 Feb 2012

Observations in TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint" with HD screen caps by TrekCore. We are planning articles along the same lines for future TNG-R releases. Go to our partners at TrekCore to see the full gallery with over 900 HD screen caps!

02 Feb 2012

J. Grey is back with Star Trek Universal, a new series that focuses on the extraordinary experiences of the ordinary people in the Federation. Read the first story, The Racer. More to come soon.



27 Jan 2012

Two more TNG season 2 reviews. Here are "Time Squared" and "The Icarus Factor".

14 Jan 2012

EAS also wins Adge's Star Trek Gold Award. Thanks a lot!

13 Jan 2012

Continuing my TNG season 2 reviews. Today: "Contagion" and "The Royale".

12 Jan 2012

EAS wins the STNET Captain Award. Thanks a lot!

11 Jan 2012

I have added a few more visual references to other series/movies in Star Trek.

09 Jan 2012

The EAE Award January 2012 goes to Congratulations to Simon!

06 Jan 2012

While I was at it, I have done a site-wide clean-up of dead external links, removing or editing over 100 of them.

03 Jan 2012

I have done a complete manual check of all Links and added a few new ones.

01 Jan 2012

EAS wishes you a Happy New Year 2012!


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